~The Right Place at the Right Mime~

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"Alright Adam, now for a good performance. You need to show off the Pokémon and it's moves" "right!"

Me and the others (but May and Brock) are at Professor Oaks lab, I was helping my brother with contest things "now watch closely, Solar Petal Blizzard lets go!"

The petals danced around Solar beautifully "now..Magical Leaf and Sunny day!" The leaves danced just like the Petals as the sun grew brighter "now..Solar beam!"
She Charged up then used Solar beam towards the sun

"Amazing! That was so awesome!" I smile at Adam "now, just remember..when performing, you need to stay calm and be relaxed. Your Pokémon can feel your emotions, and it'll throw them off. So stay focus and calm" I said "right! It might take awhile for me to get the hang of it..but I'll get it!"

"Hey Amber!" I look up at the door seeing May "May!" I ran to her and hugged her tight "it's so good to see you again!" I said "same here! Oh, and this is your little brother right?"

"Yup! Adam meet May, shes one of the rivals I have for contests. And now she'll be your rival" I said "nice to meet you! Your were amazing in the Grand Festival!" Adam said "thanks, so..I guess your entering the contests and the Frontier Huh"

"Yup! Me and Adam will be with you guys for a little..then we'll head out on our own. But we'll meet up again probably at any contest May!" I said "sis..you think we'll see those other rivals of yours? Like Drew or Harley?" Adam asked
"Good question..we might, but I won't be happy to see Harley at all! Not after what he did to you, May"

"It's alright..I'm okay, so don't worry" May said "Ash's mom is making lunch, you wanna join us later?" May asked "sure why not"
"We're going to see Ash's other Pokémon, so we'll leave you to your training. Bye Adam!"

"So Adam..after seeing May, you still wanna try?" I asked "you bet! I can't wait to do a real contest!"

I laugh as I saw him run to Bulbasaur *You'll do great, little bro*


"Bulbasaur..Vine whip!" Adam said throwing a disk, Bulbasaur hit it back with Vine whip "great job! That was perfect" I said "thanks sis!" We then heard something from a distance "what was that?!" Adam asked "sounds like trouble..let's go and help out!" "Right!"

Me and him both run to where we heard the sound "not you three again!" I shouted stopping in my tracks "sis..who are they?" Adam asked scared "they're three bad guys who steal Pokémon. You stay behind me k.." I said as he nodded "hey Amber! Help us out k"

"Seviper lets go!"
You too, Cacnea!"
"Viper, your up!"

"Seviper, use your poison tail!"
"Bulbasaur, Vine whip now!" Ash said
"Viper, Dragon tail lets go!"

Viper helped Ash's Bulbasaur hit Seviper "great job!" "Fly!"
"Go Cacnea, Apom Missile!"
"Now Bulbasaur, use Petal Dance!"

"Solar..Cmon out and use Petal Blizzard!" Solar came out and Helped May's Bulbasaur with Cacnea "nice job" "Meg!"

"Seviper, bite attack!"
"Cacnea, needle arm now!"

"Bulbasaur, Solar beam lets go!"
"Solar..use Solar beam as well!" Both Solar beams sent Cacnea and Seviper flying "nice work..now return you two" I said as they got back into there ball.

Team Rocket was also sent flying "are you okay?" I asked Adam "ya..but that was so cool!" He said "once you know the simple of battling..you'll do the same thing" I said petting his head "now let's get back to your training..you're starting to get the hang of it"


"Hey sis..who's the closest brain?" Adam asked "Max..would you like to answer that?"
"The battle factory, that's our first stop" Max said "alright then! That's where me, Ash and my sister will be battling!"

"Wait..your brothers battling as well?" Ash asked "ya..but I'll let him use a Pokémon from home first, till he gets others" I said "good choice.."

*Brandon..I'm coming to battle you!*

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