~On Cloud Arcanine!~

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Walking towards the next town, Adam was admiring his ribbon. We continued along the path, till we heard a voice.
"Flygon, Flamethrower!"

When we walked to where the voice was, it was Drew! "Sis look! It's your boyfriend!" Adam said "what's that Pokémon?"

Arcanine, the Legendary Pokemon. And the evolved form of Growleth. This fleet-footed POKéMON is said to run over 6,200 miles in a single day and night. The fire that blazes wildly within its body is its source of power.

"Cool!" The Arcanine got away with, Extreme Speed "that was awesome!" Adam said "ya.." I turn to the others and Drew with soft eyes "go and say hi, sis!" "But I.."
He pushed me to the Drew and Ash making me fall "Amber?" I look up seeing Drew "h..hey Drew!" I said standing up and waving.

"You're in Kento as well huh..so, won any ribbons?" He asked "well..not really, but my brother did!" I said "brother?" "That's me! I'm Adam, Ambers little brother."

"So you're Ambers brother..and you beat her in a contest? How pathetic can you get?" Drew asked "hey! It was his first time and..he actually did really well" Drew did a hair flip then turned away "well I'm off now..I'll be seeing you" he said running off
"Sis! Let's go and help him!"

"What?! Why would I?!" I asked "don't you want to help him?" I backed up only sighing in the process "fine..Viper, lets go!"


"It waa nice for you to help me, Amber" Drew said "I..it's no problem.." I said stuttering in the process "you know..we could travel together. I did hear you were doing the frontier brain, I can come along if you want" he suggested "t..that be great! But if it contests..please don't go easy on me!"

"Why would I? You're still my rival, you know" he said "y..ya I know." I wasn't myself, I was never this close to him at all "here, we'll stay hidden here" Drew said as we hid behind the bush.

"Here.." I handed him a sandwich "thanks" he grabbed it taking a bite "thanks sis"
"Viper, Flygon and Butterfree..here are some Pokeblocks for you" I said placing them down on the ground "now eat up"

I smile as I got up and walked back to Drew "you're really prepared aren't you" Drew asked as I nodded "of course I am..I'm always prepared whenever I go out. But after this journey..it's off being a gym leader in Hoenn"

"A gym leader? You never told me this" Drew said "I didn't? Guess I forgot..it's always been my dream to be one. I was always fond of Grass Pokémon, so I wanted to become a grass type gym leader. That's why I went for the league, but I also loved contests..so I did them so I could learn more!" I said smiling and closing my eyes.

We then heard a cry "it's Arcanine!" We stood you getting ready to attack, I noticed May was down by the cliff where Arcanine was. Drew jumped down in front of May "Go Flygon!"
"Viper, you help out!"
"Butterfree you to!"

"What are you doing?! I was here first Drew!" May shouted "hardly..I was up on that ledge since this morning" Drew said, the Arcanine jumped above there heads running away.
"It got away again.." Adam said "Butterfree! Go after it!"

I slide down the cliff towards May and Drew "hey, I'm gonna go after Arcanine k. I'll send Viper if I find it!" "Go ahead.."

I jumped up where the ledge was, seeing a family. May and Drew had a battle, after that..they saw the family. But just then..a net came down towards the Growleth "oh no you don't!"

I jumped in front of the Growleths also being caught "Amber! Hey, just what do you think you're doing?!"

"You three again!" I yelled "let those baby Growleth go! And let Amber go as well!" Ash shouted *i wish this was my father and not Team Rocket!*

Arcanine jumped to save its kids, but was captured in the process "Flygon, lets give them Steel Wing Attack!"
"Viper, help out with Dragon Tail!"

Both Flygons flew towards the moving ballon, cutting it down to the forest. The others ran seeing them trapped in a tree "Steel Wing the net!"
Once the net was sliced, I went over to the others as Viper went to my side "you okay sis?" Adam asked "yes I'm fine..but they won't be!"

"Go Cacnea!"

Cacnea used Pin Missile, but it was countered with bubble "Dustox, poison sting!"

"Amazing.." Cacnea used Sandstorm to make it had for them, but Flygon protected Squirtle. Squirtle then jumped upon Flygons back, they flew out of the sandstorm.
They both attacked the Pokémon with tackle and Steel wing.
They ended this with a Water Gun and Flamethrower "that was amazing! They worked really well together!" Adam said "ya.."


"Are you sure, Adam?" I asked "ya. You go and travel with Drew, I'll stay with Ash and the others" Adam said "you'll take care of him, right?" I asked looking at them "of course!"
"And Adam..good luck, and show May you can put on a performance!" I said "I will!"

"Ready to go?" Drew asked "Yup, Viper get some rest!" I said returning her "I'll see ya guys soon!" I said waving and walking away "so..where to next?" Drew asked "well..the battle arena isn't that far, but I'd like to stop at a centre to get some Pokémon. I miss some of them so..why don't I bring them back?"

"Alright..the nearest one is just a little up ahead. So let's hurry" Drew said as I nodded
*this adventure..will be amazing!*

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