~Final Ribbon, gained!~

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(Sorry for not writing the battles in the, Frontier and some contests. But I'll write for the next couple of chapters, if I can)

I only have this contest to win..and I'll be in the Grand Festival. I was scared and worried, who'll I use?!
"Okay uh..ah I don't know!!" I yelled scratching my head "knew I'd find you here" I turn seeing May "May! Thank goodness! Please tell me you have five ribbons!" I asked

"Uh yea I do.." she said "thank goodness, please help me!" I asked her "uh sure.." she walked over seeing my Pokémon "why not use, Espeon again?" Ash asked "I would but..the only time was cause..I wanted to show Drew what I can do, and not Brianna.."

"I see, but it wouldn't hurt to use it again. But differently" I turn to Adam, then at Espeon "I know how now..thanks!"


"Hello and welcome to the Pokémon contest! Here in Greenfall town! And the ribbon will be won by only one person, so let's get started! Contestant number one, Cmon out!"

"Alright Espeon, Lights On!" Espeon came out landing on the ground "you can do it!" I look at the audience seeing Drew *did they plan this?!*

I took a deep breath "Espeon, Attract then use Psychic!" The hearts of Attract was formed into a bigger heart, but with an arrow through the middle.

"What an excellent performance! Now let's continue!"


And that was it, it was onto the final round. The final battle was now here "Cacturne, lets go!" I freeze seeing the Cacturne *don't worry..it's not Harley*

I took out my ball looking down at it *the Pokémon that made me happy..and that fell in love with Drew's Flygon*

"Viper, Lights On!"

"Cacturne, Needle arm lets go!"
"Fly up then, Flamethrower!" Viper flew high up hitting Cacturne with Flamethrower
"Pin Missile lets go!"
"Fly in! Then use, Dragon Tail!" Viper flew in hitting the Pin Missile with her tail.
"Now, Flamethrower!"

Cacturne was hit hard with Flamethrower "Poison Sting!"
"Viper lets end this!" I shouted "Fly!" I closed my eyes to remember memories *this is it!*
"Viper! You know what to do!" She flew up high dodging the attack, Cacturne looked up seeing energy growing on Viper.

"Go for it!" She flew down using the move that helped me with the Grand Festival, and with that..the battle was over, and I won my fifth ribbon.


I looked at my ribbon, then I got on Vipers back "Amber!" I turn my head seeing May and Drew "Viper wait.." I jumped down seeing them exhausted "what's up you two?" I asked them "that was amazing!" May said "I'd have to agree"
Uh thanks..guess I'll be seeing you both at the Grand Festival?" I asked "that's right, can't wait to see you there!" I smile as I got back on Viper "ya..it'll be great..see ya" Viper flew up heading to the next area

*now then..let's do this!!*

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