~Final Contest~

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(I'm doing one last chapter..and that'll be it for this book)

A contest, but not a coordinator contest. A contest where anyone can enter "you ready, Moon" I asked "Sol!"

I turn to the screen smiling while petting Absol, May was first for this contest. She got out and sent Eevee
Eevee started with Dig popping up out of the ground, then it used shadow ball making fireworks. *amazing..*

"And next..its miss Amber, who has won Top Coordinator in Hoenn. Here for one last contest till she goes back!"

"Alright Absol, Lights on!" "Sol!"

"We've trained you up for any contest, so lets start this! Water Pulse go!" The water pulse was fired out of Absol's body "now Ice beam!" The water froze beautifully

"Now..Razor Wind to finish it up!" The Razor Wind sliced off the tips of the ice making sparkles shine


Next was Ash, and his partner was Pikachu. It used Quick attack first showing its speed, then it used Thunderbolt with Quick attack then an Iron tail. Making a spiral with all three moves "no way! That was amazing.."

And with that..it was a close, only two could move on. And those two were..May and Ash


I started looking for the two battlers "what's that?" A boat on land drove in shooting Pokémon food, the Pokémon ran over. Then a net came out of the float trapping the Pokémon "I know who does this..now who do you think you are?!"

"Team Rocket!" I ran to the others in anger "glad you could make it" Ash said "cut it.." I said "Pikachu, feeling a little left out?" Jessie asked "oh boo, there's always room for you" James said ready to fire
"Shall we?" "Certainly"

"Sol!" Absol went over to Pikachu trying to protect it, but it was caught as well "Absol!" "Pikachu!" *they're not taking him!*

"Sceptile lets go!" Ash said running "Combusken let's go to!" May said following after them
"Viper, lets go!"

"Combusken use Mega Kick!" It broke the machine "pound go!" Sceptile moved the net to be in a safe place "Absol you okay?" I asked "Sol!" "Fly"

Pikachu used Thunderbolt, May's Combusken started to evolve into..Blaziken, the Pokémon jumped up to Team Rocket. They shot a net, but did nothing..it then used Blaze Kick destroying the net shooter and sending them off

"That's one strong Blaziken" I said


It was battle time, May and Ash..battling with Sceptile and Blaziken.

The battle started with both Pokémon spinning heading to there trainer, it started with Sceptile using pound. Blaziken blocked, then a bullet seed went right towards Blaziken it backflipped to dodge the attack perfectly.

Then Leaf blade, but each one kept being dodged. But that cost Ash some points, Sceptile chased after Blaziken. It used pound hitting Blaziken, then went for Bullet seed but countered with Fire spin hitting Sceptile.

Then Blaziken used Sky Upper cut, but it was dodged. Then Sceptile used Leaf blade hitting Blaziken, next was pound. It was pretty even between the two, a bullet seed hitting Blaziken then went for pound. Next Leaf blade, Blaziken dodged and sued sky upper cut while engaging with Leaf blade

Next was Blaze kick and pound, neither one was giving up! Both were tired out from each attack that was thrown at them, Sceptile then used Overgrown which was an ability it had. Next was Blazikens Blaze, that had the same effect as Overgrow.
Sceptile went for Leaf blade, and Blaziken went for Sky upper cut. Next was Pound and Blaze kick, both moves always equaling.
Overheat and Solar beam were next making a smoke cloud.

Time was up..and the winner was..

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