~Harley Rides Again!~

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"Alright Gang..cmon out!"


"Alright! It's time to get my fourth ribbon!" It's been awhile..how've y'all been? I haven't talked or said anything in awhile, I've been doing tons of contests and the symbols for awhile now. Of course..it was hard when I battled the serpent queen and the big star. But I managed

"Start with Energy Ball, then use Leaf blade" Sceptile shot out four energy balls, then used Leaf blade slicing them "excellent, Crawdaunt you're next!"


It was now the contest "it's great to see you again May!" I said "it is..so how many ribbons?" She asked "three so far, winning this will be my fourth! And I already have four symbols, what about you and Ash?" I asked her "two so far..and Ash is in the same boat as you"

"That's great! Right Moon?" "Sol!"
"Did Harley give you trouble?" I asked "well ya..but don't you worry, it'll be fine" I smile as I looked on the screen.

May started her round off with Squirtle, it used rapped spin, and used bubble in the process.

"Next is Amber!"

Running out with Absol by my side "alright..here comes a fan favourite! Solar, lights on!" "Meg!"

"Petal blizzard my dear! Then Synthesis!" The pink petals danced around Meganium as the Synthesis made them shine "now..Attract lets go! And finish it with..Hidden Power!"

And that was my performance..I was glad the judges liked it, next was Adam.

"Alright Flareon, showtime!"

"A flareon?" I took out my dex and scanned it
Flareon, the Flame Pokemon. FLAREON's fluffy fur releases heat into the air so that its body does not get excessively hot. Its body temperature can rise to a maximum of 1,650 degrees F.

"Flareon..Swift lets go!" The stars went everywhere around the stage beautifully "next..use Fire Spin and jumped through it!"

Flareon fire the Fire Spin around ten stars jumping through them "and finish this with..Last Resort!"

And that was Adams performance, it was absolutely stunning! More contestants performed, and next was Harley and his Ariados.

It started with Spider web, Ariados crawled into the webs then heading down with string shot, it then spun using scary face.

Something then came in from the celling, it was a wobbafet "who's was that?" I asked, but didn't bother. It was now time for battling! And I was in the next round with Adam, May and Harley.


I don't know how but..I was facing my brother once again "this must be a coincidence sis, but I won't hold back! Ivysuar, showtime!"
"Moon, Lights On!"

"Ivy, Vine whip! Then Razor leaf lets go!"
"Moon, Double team then..Flamethrower!"

Many copies of Absol went around Ivysuar confusing it, he was hit with a multi Flamethrower "Solar beam now!"
"Hyper beam!"

They both fired at each other, both attacks hit making both Pokémon tired "let's end this! Giga Impact!"
"Ivysuar, Solar beam once more!"

Both attacks hit making a smoke cloud, it cleared..being a draw "both Pokémon can't continue! Which means..both are out!" I smile as I returned Absol *You've gotten stronger, Adam*


"Let's go Absol, we need to head to the Battle Pillar." I said turning to the pathway "Sol."
"Get some rest will you" I said returning her, I turn to the stadium then to Vipers ball.

"Viper, Cmon out!" As she got out, I went on her back and started flying "he's come all this way..he's amazing, I can see him being..Frontier brain"

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