~Battle Pyramid~

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"Oh cmon! Not again!" I've only been to the Pyramid once, and I remember falling into these holes again.
"Goodness sake..that Brandon must fix those holes" I said, I started looking around the place "now which way was the exit?"

I continued looking around as I heard voices "that must be him.." I walked towards the voices, but didn't find anything "that's strange..I swear I heard Ash's voice" then..Absol came out of its ball warning me "what's wrong?! Is there danger?" I asked, Moon nodded as she ran "Moon wait!"

Running after her, I see a light. It shines bright as an evil force *no..that couldn't be!* once I entered the room..it was, the legends of the king and Ho-Oh. It's an old legend that I can't really say much but, a king trapped Ho-Oh inside a ball..and Ash awakened something within the very same ball.

"You stay away from him!" I yelled as Ash got up, I ran heading towards Ash "Amber!? What's going on?!" Brandon asked "no time to explain! Ash, can you hear my voice?!" I yelled, but nothing *it has complete control over him..*

"First you'll all bow before me..and then you'll give me every Pokémon you have in your procession" E.Ash said "no way!" I yelled, he tried taking May's pokeballs..but she and Max grabbed them "sis what's going on?" Adam asked "just stay behind me"

"That isn't Ash anymore..he is possessed by the king, of Pokelantis" they were all shocked by this "Brandon! There's only one way to help and save Ash" I said turning to him "are you sure you want to battle him?" He asked, I nod my head 'yes'

"Alright King..lets have a battle! You see..I won't let Brandon, king of the battle Pyramid waste his time on someone like you! But I'll battle you!" I yelled "and who are you?"
"Amber Valley! Protector of the Hoenn regions legendary Pokémon creators of land and sea! And I challenge you!"

"Here is the condition..if I lose then every Pokémon I have is yours, and the world will be under your command. But if I win, you return our friend back and return to your slumber inside the ball! Do you understand?" I asked "very well then!"

"Here, take these three. I'll be using these special Pokémon.."


"Alright! I'm going to save Ash, so he can battle Brandon properly!" I shouted at the King "Sol!" "No, you're not battling. I'm using three special Pokémon..I thought something would go bad here, so I asked some legends for some help" I said looking towards Ash *you'll soon be yourself, Ash*

"Be careful" Brandon said, he was right beside me ready to step in anytime "I will.."
"Alright! This Pokémon battle between Ash the challenger from Pallet town, and our stand in..Amber Valley from Hoenn will now begin! This'll be a one on one battle!"

"I'll go with this one..Suicune, I need your help!"

Ash's Pokemon was his Sceptile "and go!"
"Leaf Blade, lets go!"
"Protect" suicune protected itself from being hit "big..but a minor problem none the less. Use Bullet seed now!"

"Dodge that now" Suicune jumped up dodging the bullet seed from hitting it "use bullet seed and aim for the celling" I was confused one his words *what is he up to?* "watch out k!"
Suicune nodded ready for any attack.

Sceptile fired at the celling making rocks fall "Protect lets go!" The rocks pilled on Suicune "seems like all your Pokémon belong to me!"

"I don't think so..if you want to win right, and I'm not seeing that! All I'm seeing..is a coward!" I yelled "what you call me?" "A coward!"

"No way! No one ever calls me coward!" I smile as Ash was back to normal "nice work" I turn to Brandon nodding "you wanna step in?" I asked "not so fast, look.." he went back to evil king now.

"Suicune, stop playing around..we have work" Suicune blasted the rocks away from itself "Hyper Beam!" Ash/King ordered Sceptile to get behind the ref "Suicune don't attack.." it stopped the charging "your weak! Aim for the legs with, leaf blade!"

Suicune was hit, but not out "Suicune, Calm Mind" Suicune closed its eyes using Calm Mind "use leaf blade and aim for the legs!" Another one down, but I wasn't going to let him win.

"Hyper beam now!" Suicune fired the hyper beam, Sceptile jumped "move it now!" Suicune used its control to move the Hyper beam to Sceptile hitting it "Sceptile is unable to battle, the winner is-"

"Silence! The battle isn't over yet!" King said "but Sceptile is in no condition to battle" the ref said "Silence!" He turned to Pikachu as I kept my stand ready "alright Pikachu, I chose you"

His friends ran over trying to stop him *cmon Ash..break free!*

"Ash! Listen to me and your friends! Break free right now!" Nothing was working..I was thinking of, taking it another level. Pikachu then used Thunderbolt on Ash, that shock made the kings spirit come out. I quickly run as Brandon sealed the king away.

"Ash! You okay?!" I asked running to him "I'm fine" I smile as I returned Suicune "here are your Pokémon" I grab them from Brock placing them in my pocket "thanks..hey Brandon, I'll battle you after Ash and Adam, I have something to do first"


I looked up at the sky, hold all three pokeballs "alright you three..thanks for your help, head on home!" I said releasing the legendary dog Pokémon, they all roared a thank you before heading off.
"And that's that..now then, since Brandon is heading to another ruin. It's just training and the festival"

The journey..is soon going to be over, and a new one..will begin

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