~Helping the ones needing!~

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"Are you sure Drew?" I asked "for the millionth time yes"
"Sorry..it's just, after I heard Ash's lost a giant Brandon. It's got me thinking, and I'm worried for May." I said

"Well..you did say you'd see them again, maybe nows the time" Drew said, I sighed as I looked at Viper "you know..I'm kinda nervous.." "on being a Gym leader?" Drew asked "that's right..I don't know if I should even be one, after my journey and meeting all those others leaders..I was thinking of just being a coordinator."

"Amber..you need to believe that what you're doing is the best choice of action. Or uh..path. Either way, you've seen many Pokémon, and many grass types. You've caught plenty to use in your gym. Like Meganium and Sceptile, even your Cacturne and Jumpluff"

"Thanks Drew, now I know I'll become the gym leader I want to be" I said smiling "that's the spirit, now let's head to the centre" Drew suggested "alright, Viper take a rest. Let's do Moon"
"Cmon, Roselia"


Making it to the Pokémon centre, Roselia and Moon both walked off towards a certain someone "imagine running into you guys here" they look seeing me and Drew "Drew, Amber"
"First all of these stars and now you! Would you mind giving me your autograph please?!" Nurse Joy asked making him nervous "Uh..no" I chuckle at his reaction

"Don't you dare laugh at me.." Drew said "sorry..it was just to adorable"


"You really gave me a shock back there" May said sitting on the edge of the stage looking down "see I was just thinking about you, when all of a sudden..there you were" May said as I looked at her "were they good thoughts?" Drew asked

"Cmon of course they were! We were all just talking about rivals..so of course naturally I started thinking about you. Don't take it the wrong way, Amber" May said "don't worry..I'm all good after my lost against Soledad" I said petting Absol "Sol"

"Well..I'm honoured. So how've you been doing after the lost?" Drew asked looking at her, I got up and walked over to Roselia "Huh..alright, I guess.." I could see sadness in May's eyes, I felt bad for her lose back at the Grand Festival.

"How about you two after your lost?" May asked "I've been doing what every coordinator does..after a loss I mean. They make sure all there Pokémon are well taken care of, and hopefully with a new friend" Drew said smiling
"As for me May..I didn't care that I lost. In the end, my Pokémon did there best to help me get to where I am now..and that's all that matters" I said with soft eyes looking at May.

"New friend?" May asked looking down with her hands on her knees "you're still holding onto your lost to Soledad aren't you?" Drew asked as May looked over with big eyes "that means you discovered your weak point. But now, you're not feeling to sure on how to over come it. Tell the truth..am I close?" Drew asked looking over at her.

She nods her head looking all sad "okay.." Drew got up putting his hand out towards me, he let me up then turned to May "I think, you and Amber should have a battle" Drew suggested "huh?! But Drew, I didn't want to battle today at all.."

"Drew what for?" May asked looking at him "I don't know..see it's just, they've got this great stage and everything. I think after the grand festival, it would clear the air" Drew said with a smile on his face "I'm okay if you're up for it, May" I said "maybe.."

"Go for it May!" I see Ash and his friends walk over to May "are you sure Drew? Why me and not you?" I asked "cause you know her more then me..and maybe battling you would help"
"Ya but..my Pokémon have more experience then hers, I'm afraid I might defeat her in a single attack" I said "but it'll help her..and even you. I'll let you use Roselia if you'd like" he offered "alright! It's a deal! I'm not going easy on you!" May said

"Me neither.." "let's go and ask Nurse Joy to be a judge! Brock suggested "and professor oak!" Max suggested as well "hold it!" We looking seeing Nurse Joy, Mister Contesta and Zukizo

"You wouldn't use a fake Pokémon would you?" Contesta asked "that wouldn't be remarkable at all" Zukizo said (I have no idea what fake Nurse Joy said so let's continue)

"Mister Contesta?"
"And Mister Zukizo?"

"Ah Nurse Joy..is that you?" Brock asked "sure!" "I!"
"Let's make history!" That all said going to the judging area "Sol!" "Moon?" I saw her expression change from calm to protective "there's something not right about this.." May said as we heard a voice "Bullet Seed!"

A Cacturne appears out of no where firing at the judges "Team Rocket!" "I thought they looked fonnie!" May said, then that same Cacturne went in front of us "hold on that's.."

"Sol?" Harley was here, and I got confused on why he helped "but why are you here?" May asked "to make you cry hun. But I don't need any help from them" Harley said going back to his shouting "I am so freaked out and confused" I said standing there "Sol..Absol"

Cacturne stopped Team Rocket from leaving, Harley went over talking to them. I sighed seeing Harley walking our way "Moon..watch those four" I said "Sol"


It was now the battle time, I asked Drew to use one of his Pokémon. To even the score since mine are more advanced "stay calm and focus.." I said taking a deep breath
"Beautifly and Combusken, take the stage!"
"Roselia..Butterfree, Lights on!"

They both land (well not Butterfree) as I looked at May "remember, even tho I'm not your original trainer..still do your best" I said as they both nod.

"Combusken fire spin, lets go! Beautifly you use Psychic now!" May commanded her Pokémon, the Fire Spin became even more powerful with Psychic *nice..*
"Roselia, Petal dance!" Roselia fired the Petal dance countering the move

Beautifly used Psychic to use the left over fire to attack once again "Magical Leaf!" She spun countering the move once again "Combusken let's go!"

"Use Gust!" The leaves went to Combusken hitting it and Beautifly "nice work you two!" I said as May lost major points "focus your  attacks on Butterfree!" May said as they both went for it
"Psybeam let's go!"

Butterfree fired the Psybeam at both Beautifly and Combusken "dodge and do, Sky Upper Cut!" May said, Combusken jumped hitting Butterfree "not bad..Roselia, Petal Dance!"

"Beautifly, use Silver Wind"
"I don't think so!" Petal Dance concurred the Silver wind hitting both of May's Pokémon *cmon May..turn things around*

"Now Combusken, Overheat!" Combusken charged up so much heat, firing the attack "Butterfree, Protect!" A shield protected from hitting the Pokémon
"Now..Butterfree Psybeam and Roselia, Solar beam!" Both moves hit fainting the Pokémon

"You both did great, here you go" I said feeding them some Pokeblock "Free!" "Roselia"
"Now get some rest" I said returning them "Sol!" "Yes Moon, now it's time to go"


"Moon cmon out" I said sending her out "Sol?" "Moon..no Absol, time to say goodbye" I said "Absol? Sol Absol.." Absol knew I was releasing him "your releasing Absol huh" I turn seeing Drew "that's right, it's better like this. But Absol..I want you to not forget me, and one day..I'll come back for you" I said "S..Sol, Absol!"

I hugged Absol, crying as well "just stay together. You two can't be apart, I can't bare seeing you like this again. Not after Viper left" Drew said "I know..when Viper suddenly ran off, I thought she wanted to be with someone else. But she wanted to evolve and help me win..but it's Absol's choice now, stay or leave?" I asked him

"Sol..Absol!" He ran making me fall when he jumped "guess the answer is stay" Drew said laughing "alright then, Viper lets go!" I said as she came out "I'll drop you off at Johto, then I'll head back to Hoenn and train my absolute hardest!" I said "and once I return..I want to battle the grass type gym leader" Drew said getting on Viper.

"Then I'll wait for that!"

An that was the end of my journey..but a brand new one, will begin very shortly

My Amber Flower-Battle Frontier Where stories live. Discover now