~Numero Uno Articuno~

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"Anything Viper?!" I asked "Fly.." "Viper couldn't find anything guys.." I said "that's okay! I bet you it's right around the corner!" Max said "alright, Viper get some rest. Cmon Adam"

"K sis!"


"Right around the corner huh..we've been around fifty corners by now!" Ash shouted "I'm sorry you guys..I thought my pokenav might've been broken, but turns out it was just me" Max said "are we lost, sis?" Adam asked "uh.."

I felt a strange coldness in the air, we all saw something fly down from the sky "sis..that looked familiar" Adam said "your right.." we saw it again "I'm scared..what if it's going to attack us"
"Stay quiet.." I said, it then revealed itself "an Articuno!"

Articuno, the Freeze Pokemon. ARTICUNO is a legendary bird POKéMON that can control ice. The flapping of its wings chills the air. As a result, it is said that when this POKéMON flies, snow will fall.

"Sis! Isn't that.." "Yup.." we then saw a plane fly towards Articuno, smoke then came out..it made it hard to see what happened, once the smoke fully cleared..the Plane and Articuno were gone "sis..so the first opponent is, Nolan?" Adam asked as I nodded "ya..now Adam, remember to focus when battling k"
"I know sis..can we find the Pokémon Centre please?"

"Alright bro.."


Actually finding a Pokémon centre out in the forest "uh sis..why is Brock like that?" Adam asked "I don't even have a clue, bro" I said "Nurse Joy..can you take care of my Pokémon please? They need some rest"
"Sure! I'm happy to help!"


It was morning, me and Adam flew on Viper following Scott "here we are" I said as Viper landed "amazing! It's been years since I've been here, Uh.." I heard a sound coming from the entrance "uh oh..Adam we know what that is" I said "Yup..let's go and stop it!"

"Solar, cmon out!"
"Bulbasaur lets go!"

"We got this guys, so stay behind me and Adam!" I said as they nodded "Solar, Petal Blizzard! And Viper, Flamethrower!"
"Bulbasaur, use Vine whip!"

They all aimed the attack making a smoke cloud, the machine stopped making me and Adam sigh in relief "this dumb thing..doesn't listen to a word I say. Thanks guys, you really saved my neck out there" me and Adam smiled as we walked over to him

"Still working on that thing, Nolan?" Scott asked "and I gotta admit, this projects the best one yet" Nolan said "if you don't mind me asking..what is it?" Ash asked "me mind? I'm glad you asked" Nolan jumped out of the machine

"I now present to you..the Nolan J9. It's a steel powered dream machine that I put together myself. So what do you think? Don't hold back" Nolan said "I'm going to say this in the nicest tone ever, Nolan..your an idiot"

"Boss! No not again! Don't tell me your playing with that thing again!" A guy said running up to us "I'm not playing, this is my hobby" Nolan said looking at the guy "so how is that different from playing?"

*always naive*

"Just is..this is surgeo, he suppose to be my first apprentice" Nolan said "hi there everyone, nice to meet you" Surgeo said bowing at us "hey~..what about you Nolan, I sure didn't hear your introduction" Scott said

"Sis..why is Nolan such an idiot these days?" Adam asked "Adam..don't question it please" "Amber..I'm not surprised to see your here, I already knew you would want to battle me. But what's Adam doing here?" Nolan asked "your kidding right? Didn't my mom tell you that..he'll be doing the Frontier as well?"

"Uh..I never got any message about this. But hey..if she's okay with it, then I am too" Nolan said as I sighed "ya okay..so are we gonna start or what?"


"Cmon! Time for your pokeblock!" We saw many Pokémon run ready to eat "whoa! There's so many!" "So Amber and Adam..who'll you battle? Since Ash can't decide" Nolan asked

"Nolan..you already know my answer to that. But Adam..whats your choice?" I asked "I want to fight the same one as, Amber!" I was surprised he wanted to "if your sure..I already had mom transfer some Pokémon" I said.
We then saw something fly past us "so that's where you hid her huh?"


"Well..secrets out!" Nolan said "wait..so that was you we saw flying along side Articuno, yesterday?" Brock asked "ya, I was just going a little night flying" Nolan said "hey, Arctic..it's nice to see you again!"

"Wait..how does she know-" "right after I befriended Articuno, Amber and her family came by. And this is the Pokémon Amber and Adam were referring to" Nolan said "Yup..I wanted to battle her for so long, but I wasn't ready..but I think I am now" I said looking at Nolan "so..why don't we go for a little fly. Huh Amber?"

"Adam, why don't you stay here and learn about Nolan's Pokémon. I'll be taking Viper on a nice fly"
"Okay sis!"


"Isn't it nice to stretch your wings, Viper?" I asked "Fly! Flygon?" "Hey what's up?" Viper flew down fast towards the guys "Team Rocket!"

They were grabbing Pokémon and flying away, Nolan ran into them freeing the Pokémon "send the flying Articuno, lets go!" Nolan said as Articuno grabbed the machine and flew up

"Ice beam now!"
"Viper..let's use Hyper beam"

Both Articuno and Viper sent them flying with there attacks "great job..now fly down to the ground" I said as she did "great job"


We all wondered what Ash chose for his battle, and surprising..it was Articuno "so Adam..which Pokémon will you use?" I asked holding out six pokeballs "Salamance.."

"Are you sure! Dragons are weak to ice moves" I said "ya I know..but if I use its attacks correctly, then I'll win!" I smile at Adam as I handed him Salamance "then..go and win the first symbol little bro"

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