~Fire vs Ice!~

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It was now my turn to battle, and the Pokémon I was using..was a special Pokémon. I met this one the same way as Nolan.

"Alright, Amber! You better have a Pokémon that can beat, Articuno!" Nolan shouted "don't worry Nolan, I have the right Pokémon for the job!" "If you say so!"

"Alright! This'll be a one on one Pokémon battle! There will not be any substitution! And the battle will be over, once either trainers Pokémon is unable to battle! Now..begin!"

"Articuno!" The frozen bird flew landing on the ground "hello there, now meet my Pokémon..alright! Pokemon of flames, Moltres!" The fire Pokémon flew through the open roof landing on the ground.
"Well..if it isn't Moltres, I remember when you met it"

"Now..let's see who's bird is more superior!" I said "now..battle begin!"

"Take the sky's!" We both said as they flew up "Moltres Huh.."

Moltres, the legendary flame Pokémon. MOLTRES is a legendary bird POKéMON that can control fire. If injured, it is said to dip its body in the molten magma of a volcano to burn and heal itself.

"Lets get the first move! Use Fire Blast!"
"Counter with Ice beam!"

But the fire over took ice beam hitting Articuno "stay alert! It can still come with a comeback!" I yelled as Moltres nodded, Articuno flew up "now Air slash!"
But Articuno dodged the attack "now Mist!"

"Moltres, use Heat Wave!" The Mist was countered with Heat wave "the clouds evaporated!?" "That's right! Now Flamethrower!"

Articuno was hit to the ground hard "now Air slash!" "Dodge it!" Articuno dodged the attack by flying upwards "fly up now!"
"Ice beam lets go!"

"Counter with Heat Wave!"
"Dodge! Then Steel wing!" Articuno was fast to dodge and hit Moltres with Steel wing "grab it now!" I yelled, Moltres grabbed Articuno's wings "shake it off!"
"Now spin down to the ground and use Heat Wave!"

"Water Pulse!"
"Let go..then Air Slash!" Moltres quickly let Articuno go, slicing the Water Pulse before it hit.
*it knows a water move..that can be trouble..*

"Moltres, lets kick up the Heat!" I shouted "Ice beam!" "Dodge that!" Moltres flew up dodging the ice beam "water pulse!"
"Air Slash!"

Water Pulse was sliced once again "Moltres! Get close to grab its wing, then use Heat wave!" Moltres did as ordered, using Heat Wave to grab onto Articuno "Steel Wing!"
"Use Fire Blast! Then Air slash!"

The fire blast hit Articuno as Air Slash hit it "Moltres let's end this! Moltres..Hyper Beam!"
"Quick Ice Beam!"

But the hyper beam was faster then Ice beam, it hit making a smoke cloud. I waited for it to clear..when it did, Articuno was on the ground "Articuno is unable to battle! Which means..the victor is Amber from Hoenn!"

"Nice work, Moltres!"


"That was awesome sis!" Adam said hugging me "I didn't know you had a Moltres" ash said "well it's not mine..you see, I met Moltres on the same day as Nolan met Articuno. When we went on a fly, there wasn't just ice..but also waves of heat. I was just a kid back then, but I took care of Moltres ever since that day" I said looking at the fire bird.

"And it had a good person to heal it, but now..Amber I present to you, the Frontier symbol" I grabbed the symbol holding it up to the sky "one down, Amber!"

"That's right..but I think, me and Adam will part here. We have a little, training to do. But, I'll see you guys soon again" I said turning to them "right!" "And May..if you see Drew, tell him I said hi. Oh and for Harley..tell me where you met him, so I can hit him"


My Amber Flower-Battle Frontier Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora