Chapter 2

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Today is another extremely fun day at work, we'll Atleast that's what Courtney thinks. Today we're going to Halloween horror nights to 'shoot a squad vlog' but in reality, we're just bring Courtney there to scare her. I felt kind of bad for my cousin until I remembered all the times she's scared me and I suddenly don't feel bad anymore. I'm going for moral support but I don't exactly plan on being in the video as I'll have the baby with me but who wouldn't want to spend the day with Kevin the Shreditor right? Oh yeah, and my housemates are going to be there too. We got to the office bright and early this morning only to find Ian's and Matt's offices empty for reasons we knew but Courtney was yet to find out. They did a full day of work while I took the baby on a tour of the office. By the time lunch rolled around, Lucy was beyond exhausted and sleeping in her stroller while we sat in the conference room and ate pizza.

After we were finished, damien and Shayne headed back to work to film one more video which was the half dead 2 video with Lasercorn and Mari while Courtney and I headed to the pen to see if anyone needed help in there. "hey stranger, need a hand?" I asked, placing both my hands on Taylor's shoulders, causing her to jump. "yeah actually, we're working on the Sephora video they're filming tomorrow and we could use a hand folding all these box's." she said, gesture to the pile of printed out makeup boxes that I'm presuming will go in the background. We agreed to help and each picked up a box. About an hour had passed and almost all the boxes were folded. I was so in the zone that I barely registered the man standing behind me till a small 'boo' was said very close to my ear. I yelled and threw my hands up in the air, loosing the box in the process. "I actually hate you." I laughed though gritted teeth, beating his chest lightly.

We said bye to everyone after that and drove down to Universal studios. The ride there was insanity, we sang and joked and had such a good time. Surprisingly the baby slept the whole way there, when i had her my mom told me not to be too quiet when she sleeps so she learns to sleep with noise and in this moment it's paid off in spades. We parked in the new mother parking which was thankfully right in front and walked in, bought our tickets and made our way to a good area to start filming. (were gonna ignore the fact that it says they filmed the intro at 1:30 in the video and say they started at like 2:30, Mk?) "hello!" everyone yelled at the same time, "you'll never guess where we are!" damien said, standing up fully and pointed to the globe as Kevin shifted the camera in that direction "universal studios in Orlando... Universal city California." he quickly corrected himself, smiling at the camera as the others laughed at him.

"this is our 5th take and he can't get it." Shayne said jokingly, getting closer to the camera. They moved tighter into frame and continued talking. "you know, Halloween horror nights. We come every year and see all the mazes!" my cousin explained and I can see her becoming visibly stressed, she's probably thinking about Halloweens passed and the sheer horror she faced, poor girl won't know what hit her. "not only is this a special maze, a special time, we're also going through a special entrance in the back." she continued and Damien made an excited face in the background followed by an 'Ohh!' "VIP entrance for important people." Shayne said, trying to act 'cool'. "a maintenance entrance, that stands for VIP." damien smiled proudly and I snickered, shaking my head at him. "let's get it, let's rock and roll gang." Courtney finished and everyone turned to walk away while my lovely mature fiancé ran off screen. I love being the mother of 2 children, it's super fun trust me.

We started off immediately going through mazes, I went into the stranger things one which was awesome while the very few other crew members watched Lucy but the other few looked particular spooky. The baby made for a great excuse not to go in; The mother card strikes again! After our third maze it was already almost 5 and we were getting kinda hungry so we stopped at a little ice cream place called 'scoops ahoy'. Kevin turned on the camera and got a shot of them looking up at the sign till Courtney turned to the boys and asked. "will you guys share Eleven's sundae with me?" damien, without breaking eye contact with the sign said, "Uhh... I don't want it." causing Shayne to laugh loudly in the background. "you guys are dicks, come on court." I laugh, hiking Lucy up further in my arms and pulling my cousin towards the stand with my free hand.

All My Life (Sequel to Starting Over) Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora