Chapter 9

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(I have to be the least consistent writer in all of Wattpad history, I literally have no schedule and uploads depend on how fast I write the chapters so sorry about that. I love you all and I will see you in the next chapter, byee!)

"we're gonna be late again!" Damien groaned, running a hand through his already messy hair as he backed out of my parents driveway. It seems that every time I'm at the office on a sketch day where I have to physically be in the sketch we get there late, it's not really late but it's late enough for us to be annoyed at ourselves. "we aren't very good at this whole parenting thing, are we?" I asked, pulling my leg up on the seat and scrunching up my face as I tried to tie up my shoes. I'd slipped them on while running out of the house this morning. Let's just saying getting up at 5:30 to get a whole other human ready and being out of the house by 6:30 is not easy, especially when the others don't have to get up until we're long gone. He glanced over at me and chuckled, I'm assuming it was at my stupid concentrated face, "no, we really aren't." he concluded then turned up the radio, this is going to be one long day.

Thankfully we're shooting at a library that is closer to my parents house than the studio so we made it with a few minutes to spare. "good morning everyone!" Ian said, standing up from his seat to start his usual speech. He broke down what everyone would be doing. I'm basically going to be a background character for most of the day which is good for me because I'm bad with lines. The only scenes I'm going to be in where I'm a focal character are a mom in the baby book club scene and I get to be the person sitting across from Shayne and Courtney while the have a 'shushing fight'. That one might pose a bit of a challenge, they just work so well with each other in these improv scenes, I'm definitely going to end up laughing and ruining the take. Rachel's our only makeup and hair girl today so to take some weight off her I decided to do my own makeup, I did a course on makeup for film just in case so I might as well put it to good use.

She took my cousin into the chair first and started on her 'boy beat' for the fighting scene which is the first thing we're filming today; nothing wakes you up in the morning like yelling and lunging over a table. "you excited to play a guy today court?" I asked, looking up in the mirror briefly before going back to looking for the foundation bottle with my name on it. "hell yeah!" she said in her 'Shayne freakin Topp' voice while flexing. I starting laughing to hard that i had to stop what I was doing. She's such a mess that one I swear. I decided to do a simple face with a winged liner and threw some brown eyeshadow on last minute before applying a nude lip. As I finished my face, Rachel finished Shayne's and she sent him out to grab Damien. (for those who don't know, guys do wear some makeup for tv most of the time, it's not a lot but it's just enough to even out skin and make it look better on camera, I'm not sure if smosh does but it looks like they do)

"can I use your straightener, I don't think this is going to cut it." I said, yaking my hair out of its bun revealing the mess of waved and tangles that lied within. She smirked and nodded, gesturing with her head towards the already heated tool. I brushed and straightened my hair as quickly as possible before running out to costuming, we were starting in like 5 minutes and I was still in my clothes. I walked in to find Courtney was already in her guy outfit and held the bag with my name on it out to me. Inside was 2 outfits, the first was an oversized gray hoodie and blue beanie and the other was jeans I was to wear with both, and a cardigan. I thanked her and threw my clothes of, replacing them with the costume. Once I was done we rushed back to set together and got into positions. Ryan talked us through the scene and we nodded alone since it was pretty self-explanatory, I was basically just supposed to sit there looking disinterested and 'study' while they yelled at each other.

He called action and Courtney started by clearing her throat. Shayne glanced up at her with annoyed expression and gave a short 'shh' then looked back down at his book. Courtney looked up at him through her shaggy blonde wig and said 'shh' back with more force this time. This went on a couple more times, the 'shh' getting harsher every time to the point where they were saying it not making the sound and I had to fight to keep my shoulders still while laughing. Shayne stood up for emphasis on his last 'shh' for emphasis and Courtney looked him straight in the eye and said "shut the fuck up." I pressed my lips together hard before taking a deep breath, letting my face rest until I almost looked like I was sleeping and pulled the big pair of headphones on over my hood. They actually had loud music playing through the headphones so I couldn't hear what they were saying but whatever it was they were very passionate.

They were gesturing and hitting the table, throwing stuff around. The whole 9 yards really. It took everything in me to keep my head down do I just started writing out nonsense like the lyrics to the song I was listening to. I glanced up briefly to see Shayne get up on the table and Courtney just checked an eraser at his neck. I bit the inside of my lip and kept writing, letting myself bop my head to the song to make me look a little less tense. Shayne fell onto the desk dramatically, slamming his hands down on my book and kicking his feel while Courtney spanked him with a book. He kept rolling around and just started doing circles like a rolling pin while the spanking was getting a little more aggressive. I started mouthing the words and dancing lazily in my seat to keep my mind off them. Ryan let them go for another few minutes like this, Courtney at some point also got onto the desk and started trying to push him off while yelling 'I'll show you a safe space' so loud that I could hear it over the music.

He called cut and I ripped my headphones off, leaning back in my seat and holding my stomach. "that was the worst 10 minutes of my life, if I don't have abs from holding that laugh in I'm suing." I groaned, throwing the hood off feeling very hot suddenly. "well that was great, we're going to do one more but what you guys were doing was perfect. I especially liked the guitar solo you did with the pencil Sydney, it was a great touch." he said pointing at me and I gave him a thumbs up before putting the hood back on. "from the top everyone." he called out as he got back to his chair. We did another 10 minute fighting scene and for this one I decided to go with a different route and slowly back up my stuff before getting up to leave, walking off the shot completely and running behind the camera to watch the rest of the fighting. "I'm pretty sure we're gonna use the first one I just wanted to see them fight more." Ryan whispered to me, snickering quietly.

Just then Shayne reached up and grabbed the top of Courtney's head before ripping the beanie and wig off in one go. This caused me to spit the water out that I'd been drinking and Shayne just stood on the desk holding the wig and yelling. Ryan called cut and walked over the them laughing. "you guys are idiots, we're good for that scene go get into your next costume." They walked off set and Ryan called Damien and Jacklyn over to do the next scene. Damien walked out of the makeup room wearing a brown plaid shirt that was buttoned to the top and a had made out of tin foil and wires. "well don't you look sexy." I laughed as I walked my him and he reached his arm out to stop me, wrapping it around my waist and pulling me in closer to him. He does this thing all the time where he won't let me go till I kiss him so I caved, bringing my lips up to meet his and turning to walk away, slapping his butt as I walked by.

This video was shot very quickly. It only 1 and were about to shoot our last scene, I mean I guess thats what happens when you decide to skip lunch to have a short day. We didn't have a cater today anyways so some of us are just going to grab something when we're done. Ryan called action on the last scene and Courtney walked around the corner and out to her seat. She slowly started unpacking her things and getting everything set up perfectly. She had a sip of water, opened her book and sat back to start reading when Ryan motioned for us to start making noise. "welcome to baby reading hour!" Jacklyn exclaimed and we all yelled yay in response while waving the hands of the fake babies we were holding. "todays book is 'Dr. Scream and the loud monsters!" she exclaimed and we yelled back at her, shaking the babies more aggressively this time. Courtney ripped the book in half and threw everything off the desk while we continued but Shayne's baby's head fell off so Damien stood up and threw his baby in the strolled before running off screen with it. Ryan called cut for the video so we all ran back to costuming to get changed, lunch time!

"Thank you guys again for watching her." I thanked my parents as we stood in the doorway of their house. "I told you guys any time you need us to watch her we can. We know how busy work is for you both." my mom said and suddenly her face lit up. "I cooked you all dinner, I'll be right back." she said running into the house and I called after her that she really didn't have to do that. "don't be silly, I had extra time today and the crock pot did most of the cooking anyways. Just bring me back the container please." she smiled, handing damien the bag because I was holding Lucy. "Thank you again mom, I'll talk to you tomorrow, just say bye to dad for us." I said giving her a hug and a kiss on the cheek before letting Lucy do the same. Damien gave her a hug as well before we turned to get back into the car. I strapped the baby into the car seat and got into the front seat, looking into the bag. "oh yes she made pot roast and potatoes!" I exclaimed causing Damien to laugh. I know one thing is for sure, the roommates will be happy

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