Chapter 6

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"oh Sydney, there you are. Sarah isnt feeling good today, would you be willing to be in a smosh games video?" Ian asked me the second I walked into the cast room. I was honestly just there for a visit but hey, why not. "If I can find someone to watch the baby for a few hours while we shoot than sure! What game are we playing?" I asked with a chuckle, setting down my purse and diaper bag along with Lucy's carrier. "I can watch her for as long as you need, oh and we're playing ring fit adventure."  Ian said and immediately started laughing at my annoyed, why wouldn't I be in a video where I need to actually work out. I agreed none the less because I wouldn't tell you the last time I was in a video and headed right over to Rachel to get into some 80's attire because that's the theme of the video apparently.

"Hey Rach!" I exclaimed as I walked into the costume room. She was sitting in one of the makeup chairs just scrolling through her phone and looked over her shoulder with a smile. "Hey Syd, what are you doing here?" she asked, sliding off the chair and coming over to give me a hug. "I was just coming for a visit but Ian recruited me for the 80's work out video so you need to style me." I said with an over dramatic sigh after emphasizing the word 'you'. She shoved my shoulder lightly causing us both to laugh and we made quick work of finding an outfit because the shoot was starting very soon. She threw a couple of brightly colored pieced of clothes at me and shoo'd me off towards the makeshift change room. I put my clothes into one of the costume bags and threw it on the desk as I ran out of the room, throwing a quick 'thank you' to Rachel over my shoulder.

(I'm currently watching the video as I'm writing so I'll stick to general scored but I changed up Sarah's a bit a few times I think and changed some dialogue and some of the outro so here ya go!)

We started off the video by getting some random shots of us dancing then like any typical 80's workout video, we basically stood in a line one behind the other and danced, once someone got to the front of the line they'd strike a pose and exit left or right. When I got to the front I flexed then winked and shot at it with my finger guns for good measure and jogged to the left following Shayne. I probably looked like a complete moron but hey, what else are smosh games videos for? After everyone was done we stood around while Matt introduced the video by saying 'happy new year' and all that and talked about 'new year new me' which is why we're working out and all that jazz. In reality it's like mid December but we're pre-filming for Christmas break which starts next week. I'm super excited to have everyone home with me again for a bit. I mean, they only work regular office job hours, Monday to Friday and I visit like twice a week minimum but still! (I have no idea what they work, I'm just assuming it's this for the most part of what I've gathered from them talking and their tweets and insta posts and such)

But I digress, back to the video. Matt talked about the game we'd be playing for a bit with random interjection from the crew every once and a while and before I knew it, we got to sat down and started playing. I was left standing there without a seat so I simply sat down on Damien's lap making everyone laugh. "I don't need a seat, I'm good." I waved and wiggled around, trying to get comfortable. "oh gross, stop that I'll go." lasercorn offered, standing up from his seat beside Matt and grabbing the ring from beside the tv. I smiled at him innocently and took the seat I was offered. The timer started and I guess he didn't understand what he was supposed to be doing which was squeezing the ring then releasing so instead he just held it squeezed. "no! In and out, in and out! Look at the computer, do you see that?" I exclaimed, standing up and stepping beside him, pointing that the tv.

"oh its going fast." he said and started moving again. He still ended up getting a pretty good score of 77 considering he wasted a lot of time not listening to instructions. They made me go next and I took the ring from him while he took my seat, the timer counted down and I started going. I was so in the zone and was blocking out all sound that I didn't even realize that my turn was up. I looked at the screen and realize I'd gotten 98 points higher than lasercorn. "God damn Sydney." Shayne laughed as I flexed seeing my impressive score, "I've got mom arms kids, take notes." I said, pointing at each and every camera before turning around and handing the ring to Shayne then taking his seat. My cousin went after him and let me tell you, she struggled, she only ended up getting like 56 but that was definitely not her strong suit.

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