Chapter 12

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I feel bad because I keep replacing Sarah in videos and she's one of my favorite people of smosh but I picture her and Sydney being similar in personality so it just works for videos, sorry!! Also there's a little bit of smut in the last paragraph if that isn't your thing I'll see you later but for the rest of you, I see you guys 😈

"we're here, we're here sorry!" I huffed, throwing my purse on the couch of the squad room. "it's ok, we're going to start soon." Ian said reassuringly, standing up from his seat and pulling me into a hug. It's Valentine's day today so Damien and I figured it would be a good idea to leave Lucy at my parents house and get a hotel for some privacy but we didn't calculate in the time it took to drive her there plus traffic and well, you know where I'm going with this. We're filming a sponsored video for Reese's today which is exciting because it's my favorite candy of all time! I happened to receive a bunch today along side a bouquet of my favorite yellow roses. What did I get him you ask? Well I gave him a box of chocolate this morning and the rest of his present is coming later. We walked together to the 'set room' as I like to call it where all non video game videos are shot and got connected to mics while the rest of the crew got the cameras ready.

With Matt behind the camera, he counted us down and on 1 he pointed to Shayne and with that the video started. "Hello and welcome to the Reese shoot out." he said and Courtney and I yelled in response, I might've gone a little too intense though because Courtney was stood behind me laughing while I was stood their flexing. "big thanks the Reese's for sponsoring this video!" Shayne yelled over us, pointing at the camera, it sounded like he was slipping into Courtney Freakin' Miller for a second there. Shayne explained the game we'd be playing which was basically beer pong but instead of cups its packages and instead of the ball its Reese's cups... Ok so maybe it's nothing like beer pong, on the plus side we get to eat the ones we get in. After him Tommy broke down the rules which again were like beer pong, when you throw you can't have your elbow pass the edge of the table, we only get 1 rerack ect. The last was that our teams each got 1 pep talk.

I raised my hand after he was done talking and asked if the Reese bounces does it count. "that was my next-" he cut himself off, realizing that he only said there were 3 rules when he clearly didn't cover half of the regular beer pong rules. "that was rule number 4 on the list of 3, keep up Sydney!" Damien clapped and I started laughing and trying to defend myself that my question was legitimate. Obviously this was a bit but I was genuinely curious because getting a pep talk from the ref usually isn't part of the game. I'm the end it was decided that the bounce doesn't count. "you're telling me I have to get the perfect combination of peanut butter and chocolate in the bag on the first try?" Damien asked like he was on an infomercial, he's really driving this sponsorship home. We all broke down at his question but especially Shayne who was almost on the floor by the end of his laughing fit.

"we planned a lot, I really hoping our game plan doesn't crumble into Reese pieces." Shayne said as seriously as he could and we started laughing again. "you're so dumb!" I exclaimed holding my stomach. We were asked for our team names next and of course those two dummies chose 'peamupbubber' where as we went with 'chocoladies' which is honestly so cute and I give Courtney all the credit for that name. They let some crew members come up and vote for the team that they think will win and since I'm one of them were guaranteed to get more votes. From the second Monika walked up and said that Shayne was going choke, I knew we had the voting in the bag. And in the bag we did, the only person who didn't vote for us was Nancy and even then I literally said, "what the hell Nancy, we've been sitting beside each other for almost 2 years!" she ran back and gave me a hug saying that someone needed to vote for them because their side just looked so sad which made me laugh hysterically.

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