Chapter 16

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(I just had like the weirdest dream last night about court and dames but they were in different dreams. In one of them Damien and I were down the street neighbours and we were good friends and he would go on business trips and bring me back beautiful expensive gifts and we'd like cuddle and shit but we weren't dating it was weird. Then in another one Courtney and I went to pride with a bunch of my favorite drag Queen's (shout out to you if you watch drag race) but it was just a trap that some homophobe set up and when you went to get onto this tram ride it sent you to hell? That's called internalized homophobia children. Anyways back to the story idk)

We got back from Australia last night and let me tell you, that was one of the worst, most nerve-wracking situations I've ever been in. We were stuck at the airport for hours. They thoroughly picked through our bags, asked us about a million questions and just made me that much more nervous about the situation we'd been in. Before we left for Australia there was some news about a virus called COVID-19 going around the news but while we were overseas it just seemed to explode. There was this big toilet paper shortage while we were over there and we had no idea why until our families called us telling us what was going on. Though I had a great time while we were there, savouring traveling and hotel life as we wouldn't be doing that again for a very long time and overall soaking up the culture, the idea of coming back to the world we knew in ruins was daunting.

We woke up today in a bit of a stupor, we expect to come back and all go into work again, edit videos, get content out and go back to what we were doing before but we couldn't do that now. It felt like the defy shut down all over again, there was a piece missing and now we can't even see each other like the first time around. Of course we're doing it for good reason and we all have to do our part but that doesn't make it any less difficult, we are human after all. Damien and I laid in bed for almost an hour today, not really saying much, just letting it all sink in. Life as we knew it 2 weeks ago was gone, sure its not the end of the world and things will get better but in that moment it felt like they never would. I eventually got up and got what resembles being ready and did the same for Lucy before we all went downstairs to find Courtney and Shayne in a similar state. I'm more thankful than ever that we all have each other and that all of us went so we didn't have to separate, where would we even go? I didn't bothering thinking any further into the question, there was no point.

"do you guys want me to make some breakfast." I called out to no one in particular, handing the baby off to Dames so he could feed her. The mention of food snapped everyone out of their own thought and drew them to the kitchen. We worked together and made a delicious breakfast in no time flat, I almost forgot about what was going on for a second. We say down to eat and we're doing so in relative silence until my phone started ringing, it was my mom. I answered it quickly and held it up to my ear, walking away from the table for more privacy. "hey mom, how are you guys doing?" I asked sitting down by the window, cracking it open slightly. "were all ok honey, Sofia's school sent all the campus kids home yesterday and told everyone to start mark break early, once it starts again I think they're doing online." she said and I tutted, that must've crushed her. Sure an extra week off would have been nice but the hands on projects are the best part of her course and now she won't be able to do it.

"can I talk to her?" I asked and my mom agreed, pulling the phone away from her ear and calling for my sister. There was a minute of silence, shuffling then her voice cut through. "hey Syd." she sighed and my heard broke. "I'm really sorry about school Sof." I said and I heard her sniffle on the other end. "it's ok, Atleast I have that internship at smosh to fall back on... Right?!" she asked, suddenly sounding panicked. "of course, of course. I already asked Ian and he said you will have a job to come back to when this is all done. You know Ian would never do that to you." I said and she said she knew. We talked for a few more minutes before my mom asked for the phone back. We exchanged a goodbye and my mom took the phone back. "send me a list of everything you guys need, doesn't matter how much. Corey and I are going to the store and we're going to get it for you guys. Text me the list and we'll bring it to the house." I thanked her and we hung up.

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