Chapter 10

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"Hello?" I asked groggily into the phone. I squinted at the light coming through my window and rolled onto my side to check the time, it's only 7:15 am. "hey it's Sarah!" she said through the other end of the phone making me chuckle. "I know Sarah I have caller ID, what is it that you need at 7 in the morning." I said lowly, rolling out of bed and tiptoeing to the washroom so I didn't wake Damien up. "oh, oops didn't realize what time it is. Claudio and I have been waking up at 6 to go for runs so I didn't realize. Anyways on the run I realized that my birthday is going to be while we're on tour and we probably won't be able to do anything so I wanted to go for brunch. I was just calling to ask you guy to come." she finished off and as she said the word brunch my stomach started to growl. "yeah of course we'll come, have you already called Courtney?" I asked, running myself a glass of water and chugging it before placing it back onto the counter.

"yeah, and she was just as pleased about the timing of my call as you were." she laughed. I asked her what time we were to meet to which she said 11 and we said our goodbyes before I collapsed back into bed. I woke up at 8:30 and this time it was for good. "babe, wake up." I rocked him awake before stretching and yawning in an attempt to wake myself up. He sat up and stretched before reaching for his phone and looking at me weirdly when he saw the time. "why are we up so early?" he asked and I told him about the conversation with Sarah. He nodded understandingly and told me he was going to shower quickly so I made my way to Lucy's room. I gave her a bath and changed her in time for Damien to take over with the feeding while I started getting ready. This is our system and I love our system, we get to spend equal time with our daughter and carried our own weight in parenting.

I showered and did my hair and makeup before beginning to get ready. "ugh, what do I wear?" I said exasperatedly before hearing a voice behind me. "stop overthinking it, it's brunch." my Fiancé laughed as he entered the room our daughter dressed and ready to go in his arms. "I'm just really indecisive." I sighed, taking Lucy into my arms and sitting down on the bed. "well did you have anything picked out?" he said, walking towards the closet. "all I had picked out were those shoes." I pointed to a pair of black boots with rose gold hardwear. "well why do you were your black skinny jeans and a shirt that matches your lipstick, I love red on you." he finished, pulling the pair of jeans off the hanger and handing them to me. I cocked my head to the side and looked at him in surprise. "that's not half bad, thanks Dames." I giggled, giving him a kiss carefully not to get lipstick on him and taking the pants from his arms while handing him back the baby. "any time baby, let's go watch cartoons." he said to the baby and left our room.

"hey guys!" I said as we walked into the restaurant. Everyone else was already there but then again when aren't we the last ones there. We went around the table to say hello before taking our seats. I gave Sarah an especially long hug because I haven't seen her what feels like forever. I'm used to seeing her every day but between me not back to work full time and each of us being assigned different tasks we haven't been talking as much. "ok Syd you can let me go now." her voice strained as she tapped my arms which were tightly wrapper around her neck. "oops sorry babes." I apologized, giving her a quick kiss on the cheek before returning back to my seat(think of that really dramatic kiss Shayne gave Courtney in the acting out fan fics video). "what are you thinking?" I asked Damien once I'd closed my menu. "I... was thinking a crepe." he said after a short pause. "oh that's what I was gonna get, I hear they're great here." I said suddenly feeling good about my decision. The man knows his food, what can I say.

We ordered and talked about anything and everything. I wasn't feeling the greatest the last couple days so I haven't gone to the office much, needless to say it was nice to catch up on what I'd missed. They did a lot of preshooting even though they're only going to be gone about a week, they like to shoot in bulk. "so Sarah, 31 eh?" I asked and she shot me a glare. "don't you start with me young lady." she pointed at me. She was trying to act like she was mad but if you know anything about Sarah you know she doesn't take anything seriously. After a short stare down her smile broke out and she just shook her head at me. "I'm just kidding, yeah it's crazy. Everyone always told me that after 30 everything just goes by so quickly and I didn't believe them until I actually experienced it so enjoy your 20s while you can kid, it only gets worse from here." she began to laugh at the end of her sentence which drew the attention of some of the patrons in the restaurant.

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