Chapter 17

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Quarantine update, we're doing pretty good. We're only 5 days in and things are still feeling pretty normal, for the most part anyways. Today we're filming our first video since before Australia so we decided to do 'every quarantine ever', very original I know, but topical and relatable none the less. And, I get to be in this one, how fun is that? We woke up not long ago, ate and started getting ready to shoot, the main places were shooting today is the main floor as well as a few scenes in our bedroom which was a disaster last night, good thing we have no where else to be so we got a good clean in. I only have 2 fairly simple scenes today, the first of which I get to wear pajamas and do a facemask for. I put on cute pajamas, threw my hair up into a bun and walked across the hall to Shayne and Courtney's bathroom, ours is wayyyy too small to shoot in so this is the next best thing. I set up the camera and applied the face mask, I picked on that doesn't dry and you'll see why shortly.

When we were writing out this script, we couldn't think of anything for me to be doing so they said to just improvise. I looked around the washroom thinking of something to do then suddenly my eye landed on Courtney's makeup brushes; it's perfect. I walked across the hall to my room and picked out a handful of my own, trying to make sure they all somewhat match and also picking the dirtiest. If in being honest I haven't cleaned them in a while so why not kill two birds with one stone and do it for a video. I laid them all out and started filling the sink with soap and water then adjusted myself in the mirror before hitting record. "take one of scene 1." I said and pressed play on Courtney's song 'girls are gross.' I started lipsyncing to the song while cleaning the brushes. I danced around a bit and made some really stupid faces, this is fun, we should do scenes like this more often! I let the song play up until the part where they talk to Ian and restarted it, I did this a few times until I was confident that the shot was right. I was also tired and all my makeup brushes were clean by this point.

"first scene is done." I said in a sing song voice as I walked back into the room. Shayne came in when I was done to start his scene about perfecting his Australian accent, leaving to me to finally go and get ready. "how's it go?" Damien asked as I started washing my face. He was laying on the bed with the baby and she was trying to crawl off the bed. He pulled her back towards him and she did not like that, she started wining and pushing away from him. "it went well, my face feels great." I said, turning off the tap and drying my face as I walked out of the room. "what's wrong honey?" I asked, picking the baby up as she made another attempt to crawl off the bad and bouncing her softly. "I honestly don't know, she's been like this for the last few days, is it possible for them to go through their terrible 2s at 8 months old?" he asked with a slight chuckle, I could tell he was being sarcastic but that brought an idea to mind.

I put my finger in her mouth and started feeling around her gums lightly, all the while receiving weird looks for the man in front of me. Suddenly I felt it, 2 thin slivers of something hard just inside her gums. "babe, her teeth are coming in, she just needs her teether." I said, walking into her room and grabbing it off her change table, handing it to her. She stuck it in her mouth and started chewing on her, this should keep her calm for a little while. I grabbed a second to stick in the fridge and brought it back to our room. "how did I not think of that, the front ones almost always come in around her age." he face palmed, taking her back so I could put my makeup on. I was just going to throw on a light face today, there really no point in doing anything crazy because I'm going to be on camera for a minute max. Once I was done I added a few waves in my hair with the straightener and out my clothes on for the day, let's get this shoot going.

The shoot is going very well so far, I mean the cats have been pretty annoying which is unusual for them, they're usually very good when Damien does his streams so I can't figure out why this is any different. We just finished lunch and Shayne and I are about to shoot out video call scene together. We're recording it right from zoom for authenticity purposes, also its much easier for Spencer and it looks more believable. The only problem is that Shayne's favorite thing to do is try and make me laugh when we're recording any type of video, even when we were recording back at smosh he'd always stand behind the camera and make stupid faces. I'm not a great actress so it worked more times than not and caused a lot of headache for the entire crew. I set my laptop down on the coffee table, tipping it up slightly and placing Lucy on my lap. Soon Shayne's face popped up and I answered the call. "scene 10 take one." he said and sighed while I tried to look as disinterested as possible.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 07, 2020 ⏰

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