Chapter 7

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I was woken up from a peaceful sleep to my phone dinging incessantly. I rubbed my eyes and rolled over to grab it, lowering the volume in the process so it doesn't wake the sleeping man beside me. I checked the clock on my side table and saw that it was just past 2 in the morning. I waited for the vibrating in my hand to stop to check the messages and what I saw made my stomach tighten and my eyebrows knit together in confusion:

2:09-Hello Sydney, long time no see.

2:09-I see you've been well, that's not going to last very long.

2:10-Merry Christmas by the way, I know it's your favorite holiday which is why I'm sorry that I'm about to ruin it.

2:10-I take that back, I'm not. You deserve everything that's coming to you.

2:11-You were supposed to be mine and only mine, and I don't know who that blue haired fuck is but he doesn't deserve you.

2:11-And that fucking ugly baby of yours should have never been born.

2:12-I'll be at your house soon and I'm going to kill you, and your ugly boyfriend and kid and your whore of a cousin and her stupid boyfriend too.

2:13-I can't wait to watch the life drain from your eyes.

By the time I was done reading those messages, I was a shaking sobbing mess, I could feel my heart rate increasing with everyone word I read and by the last message I felt as though I was going to have a heart attack. The first thought that came to my mind is that I need to wake up everyone in the house and call the police. "Damien!...Damien you have to wake up!..." I cried, shaking him aggressively. He sat up right and lunged at me. "what's wrong?" he asked half groggy and half alert but very concerned. "look at these messages." I cried, handing him the phone with my shaky hand. He read the messages at lightening speed, holding me tightly. He grabbed his phone and dialed 911, holding it to his ear with his shoulder as he shimmied pants on. "go get Courtney and bring her to Lucy's room and let Shayne come here. Don't leave the room until I come get you." he threw the instructions at me as I pulled on my robe and dug through my side drawer for my pocket knife.

The police picked up the phone and I could hear the beginning of the conversation as I left the room, with one last look over my shoulder I saw him pulling his sword out from under the bed. I ran down the hall and threw my body against the door, knocking as fast as I could. Shayne opened the door and I feel into the room, wrapping my arms around him and he returned the gesture. Courtney was at his side in the blink of an eye, "Sydney what's happening?" she asked, her voice intense and alert. "it's Ryan, he texted me saying that he's coming to kill us all, we need to hide. Shayne, Damien said to go with him, he's on the phone with police now." I said all in one breath and detached from the man so he could get dressed, Courtney grabbed her phone and put on a sweater. We rushed down the hall into Lucy's room, locking the door in the process and sat down together on the floor with our backs to the wall.

"ok, show me the messages." she said after a few minutes of sitting in silence, it was a whisper but the silence was so deafening that I almost wanted to shush her. I handed her the phone and just seeing the number at the top of the screen that I'd forgotten so long ago when I changed my number made tears start falling from my eyes once again. I have no idea how he got my new number, it must've been leaked somewhere online and the team will deal with that but right now I need to keep my family safe; and if staying in here and being quiet is the way then so be it. When she was done reading she locked my phone, placed it face down on the floor and pulled me to lay down in her lap. And we stayed like that, I cried and cried and I could feel myself shaking but everytime a sound would escape my lips, she'd stroke my hair and hush me softly.

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