Chapter 11

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"I can't believe you guys are leaving today, I feel like it was just yesterday that you announced it and it's already here." I chuckled half-heartedly, trying to hid the fact that I was sad. It's February second and tonight, Shayne, Courtney, Damien and Ian are starting their drive to Seattle for their first Try not to laugh show tomorrow. I would have gone if I didn't have to baby but I don't want to force her into an environment like that, I mean come on its a tour bus, there's no was she'd be comfortable at all. Besides, it's only going to be a week and my sister is going to come stay with me so I'll live. It's almost dinner time and after they eat they have to meet everyone at Ian's house to get on the bus. I've decided to go with them but first I should probably get ready in some capacity because we've been doing nothing all day so none of us have even gotten out of pajamas.

"I know, I'm going to miss you and Lulu so much." Damien said, distain in his voice. I looked over at him as he walked out of the washroom, dressed in simple jeans and a shirt. He just got out of the shower and his hair was still damp. He almost never fully dries his hair, if he did it would have that wave that I love so much. "were going to miss you too Dames, it's only for a week and you'll be back before you know it." I said, making my way across the room towards him. I laced my arms around his neck and he put his around my waist. We stood there in each other's embrace for a few minutes before Courtney called us down for dinner. "I'm not all that hungry, you go. I'm gonna out some makeup on." I sighed, running my hands down my face. I know I'm only going to be gone for a little but for some reason my skin has been acting up so I want to put on a little something.

"there you guys are!" Ian said walking towards us with his arms outstretched. We looked around as we walked up to his house and noticed that everyone that was going was already there. "sorry papa Ian." I pouted and he laughed, shoving my shoulder jokingly before pulling me in for a hug. "are you still coming to the sacramento show?" he whispered in my ear to which I responded with a quiet yes before pulled apart. He nodded then turned his attention to the baby in Damiens arms. Me(name the people) all planned on going to the sacramento show as a surprise to the others, Ian got us in for free so I'm very excited, even if I have to wait 4 days. We went into Ian's house and sad down at the table with the crew that are going and had a coffee. We stayed there for almost 2 hours and when 8 rolled around, the bus pulled up and everyone went to load onto the bus. We shared one final goodbye and before I knew it the bus pulled out of the survey leaving me standing alone in Ian's driveway; Wednesday can not come soon enough.

I woke up on Wednesday and sat bolt up, tonight is the night that I get to see smosh live! I slowly laid back down once I realized that it was only 6 am but couldn't force my eyes to close. We're going to go there an hour before doors open so we should be there around 6 but I don't know what I'm going to do to pass the time. After 10 minutes of tossing and turning I got out of bed and threw on some work out clothes. I made my way downstairs as quietly as I could and wrote a note for Sofia to feed Lucy when she wakes up if I'm not back by then. I took one final look at the note making sure I didn't forget anything, once I was done I grabbed the keys, went outside and got into the car. The drive to the gym was quiet aside from the low hum of the engine and the radio playing softly. There was hardly anyone on the road which makes sense because it's not even 6:30 yet.

I got to the gym 10 minutes later, parked and grabbed my stuff before walking into the building. I walked up to the desk and waited for someone to scan my card so I can go in. (idk how your gym works but this is how one of my old ones did so yeahh) "hey Sydney, long time no see!" one of the young boys who works at the gym said, walking out of the office. I used to come here a lot and I mean a lot so I got to know some of the employees. The guy I'm talking to right now is Jason, he's 21, were both scorpions and he's studying  kinesiology; when I say I know them well I mean it. "I know, I've been super busy with the baby but I couldn't fall back asleep so why not get a work out in." I laughed, handing the card over to him to scan. The door clicked open and he handed the pass back to me. "you have to bring her in one day, I wanna see the munchkin." he said and I promised to do so. With that I walked in and took a deep breathe, I didn't realize how much I missed the gym until I walked in, I feel like I'm at home.

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