Chapter 5

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I'm a little bit dumb... Ok so I had to go to Kevin's photos to find things to write about bc his captions are more detailed than Damiens and I accidentally merged day 1 and 2, oops. A

lso I feel like this chapter is really short, shorter than my usual chapters anyways I just feel like there was so much information about things I don't know the first thing about so I didn't know how to write about it? Anyways I'm not 100% into this chapter but you can't win em all right, I hope you enjoy it none the less and I promise the ones after this are much better ❤️

"so you want to go to Kyoto in a few days?" I asked Damien while we got ready for the day. We got to Japan early yesterday morning and did a lot of relaxing and eating so today is technically our first real day. We're in Osaka right now which is absolutely beautiful but Damien has already stayed in Tokyo which is apparently very similar so he wants to see new things. I'm kind of sad that we're leaving Kevin and Lacy but then again I want to experience as much as possible while we're here. The super girly female in me is very excited for today because we get to go shopping! But first, we're waiting for the others to get back from their morning run then we can go for breakfast. I tried my best to pack cute outfits for not only myself but for the baby as well because I just know were going to have to take a lot of pictures, it's also fall here so we packed a lot of layers. Speaking of Lucy, we were reluctant to bring her on the trip because we didn't know how she would handle the time change but she's taking it very well.

"you ready?" Damien asked as he sprayed on some cologne and ruffled his hair. I nodded excitedly, tucking my blouse loosely into my pants and grabbing the baby along with my bag. We walked down the hall to Kevin and Lacy's room and knocked on the door, waiting for them patiently. The door flew open and the couple stepped out, fully ready for the day and clearly just as excited as we were to get to breakfast. "what do you think you're going to get?" Lacy asked me as we approached the elevator. "I've always wanted to try the bubble waffle so definitely that, as much as I love fish I don't think I could do it this early in the day." I laughed as we got onto the elevator. The main thing I was most excited about on this trip was the food, as much as I am a vegetarian and have been for a long time, I can get down with fish and before I went vegetarian shrimp tempura was my favorite food. You can bet that I will be cheating on this trip if that is available on the menu in any capacity, at this rate I'm going to return home 20 pounds heavier.

"excuse me, yeah sorry excuse me." Damien muttered as we made out way through the crowd, him and Kevin clearing a path while Lacy and I stood in the back pushing the stroller. "Dames you don't have to say excuse me so much, I'm sure they heard it when you said it to the person directly behind them." I laughed as we finally reached the edge of the crowd. "sorry I just know the impression they have of Americans and I don't want to come off as rude." he said returning to my side as we strolled along path to the shopping centers. "I know baby, I know just try to relax. We're on vacation." I smiled, placing my hand in his while the other continued to push the stroller. I knew we'd be walking everywhere for almost 2 days and there was no way I was going to carry Lucy the entire time so as annoying as it may be, the buggy has perks. He smiled back and opened his mouth to speak before I heard Lacy up a head point out our first thrift store.

"you girls go in, we'll watch the baby." Damien said gently removing my hand from the handle. I took a peek into the store and noticed just how tight it was, there was no way I'd be able to bring her in with us so I agreed. Besides, I knew the guys would take any chance they got to sit outside the store. I mean we've only been here for 1 day and when I woke up this morning my legs were sore, that's coming from someone who ran track and swam their whole life. Lacy and I ventured into the store, waving at the workers who were stood by the registers talking. We went to the back where the Woman's section was first and started going through those racks. "so, have you and Damien started planning the wedding yet?" she asked and for some reason the question kind of caught me off guard. "no, not yet. We decided that we don't want to have the ceremony until Lucy is a little older, Atleast old enough to walk independently so not for another year but we have to start soon. You and Kevin had a small wedding right?" I asked and she nodded, shooting me a smile while pulling out a shirt and draping it over her arm.

"yeah, we decided to have a destination wedding in Mexico. It was just us and about 50 of our closest family members on the sea. It had to have been the best day of my life." her eyes lit up as she recalled her wedding today and seeing how she talks about it makes me even more excited for mine. We were in that store for about half an hour and Lacy found some nice stuff but all I managed to find was a hoodie and a jumpsuit for Lucy so after paying we decided to go across the shopping center to a more vintage store. As we walked across we saw the boys a little further into the shopping center, Kevin was standing by Lucy's buggy while he was taking pictures of Damien. When we got to the next store I was instantly drawn towards a beautiful red dress that has red mesh sleeved and a high collar, it gave me a bit of a 60s vibe and I knew then and there that I was going to buy it and wear it for Valentine's day.

We spent the next hour in there and by the end of it I walked out with 2 bags of cloths for all of us, I even convinced Damien to pick some stuff out for himself which is impressive because that man hates shopping

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We spent the next hour in there and by the end of it I walked out with 2 bags of cloths for all of us, I even convinced Damien to pick some stuff out for himself which is impressive because that man hates shopping. We checked out a couple more stores in that plaza before venturing out to find lunch. We stopped at a little family owned restaurant and the second we looked at the menus Kevin and Damien started loosing their minds. Apparently this place offers Takoyaki which is one of Damien's things so they ordered like way too much of those while I got an order of their vegetarian kind which was amazing and Udon Noddle soup. Once we'd finished I fed Lucy and we set off again. Something we noticed on the way here is that Osaka is full of antique stores so we decided to go to one of those as well. This store was very big for an antique store so there was enough room for everyone to come in and look.

Something not a lot of people know is that Damien worked with leather so when he found a hand crafted belt he had to have it. I love collecting vintage beauty products and jewelry so I grabbed a couple things but not too much because I knew we were going to the Pokemon store tomorrow and lord knows how much we're going to spend there. We took the subway to Isshinji temple and explored and took pictures until 3 when the day started to catch up with me. "I am beyond exhausted and Lucy is over due for a nap, who's down to go back to the hotel, take a nap and go for a late dinner." I suggested and everyone quickly agreed. We made our way back to the subway and thankfully it was only a 15 minute ride back to the hotel because Lucy was starting to get cranky and so was I. "we'll meet you guys back here at 6." Kevin said as we stopped at our room. We agreed and waved them off, walking into our room and stripping before immediately collapsing into the bed.

"that was amazing." Damien exclaimed as we exited the restaurant. Dinner was even better than lunch and now that we're fed, we're ready to get to our last activity. As the sun set we approached the Tempozan ferris wheel and seeing that the line wasn't very long took a huge weight off my shoulders. "I hope we can get our own cart to ourselves." I murmured to Damien as we stood amongst the group of strangers. We waited for 10 minutes, accounting the day with our travel partners and by the time we reached the front, the crowd behinds us had dispersed, leaving us to ride alone. "since there's no one else here, we're just gonna take our own cart." Kevin said after having a conversation with the woman running the attraction. We agreed and got onto our own cart, sitting back and relaxing as it came off the ground. I pulled Lucy out of the cart and held her to my chest as I laid my head on Damien's shoulder. He arm when around the back of the seat and we sat there in silence taking in the sunset. Japan is beautiful and I can't wait to see what the rest of this trip will bring.

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