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You went back to being Minecraft's janitor. You raided different bases and killed different people, not permanently. It had been about 6 months since the whole Null situation and Notch said that Tony might be ready to return soon. He would remove his memories and possibly add another one of the original AI's. He doesn't want them to know though, you were the only one allowed to know.

You had visited Herobrine twice since then and it was fun both times. You would both talk about everything that had happened. You would sometimes teach Herobrine things that you learned, and he would teach you.

Steve and Alex were hanging out more than they originally had. Alex went back to being herself, the wild girl who liked to explore. Steve didn't like how separated we all were, but it was just our lives.

Notch checked in on you quite a lot. He was worried you would get in some sort of trouble, even though you never did. Notch had to use some code to fix the wound in your back, because it wouldn't heal. He realized there was apart of the void within it. Confusing, but made sense.

Life has been normal since. Until next time.

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