Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

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Chapter 55

The hours of the night drew on, and though Théadain sat absorbed by her discussion with Elladan and Elrohir at the fireside, dawn was still some way off.

Though they could not clearly answer her questions as to why they had come, they were able to inform her of all that had passed in Rivendell since she had seen them last. Their sister Arwen had indeed taken the last ship to the Undying Lands, though had lingered in her beloved Middle Earth for as long as she dared, with war and darkness so near. The knowledge that her friend had sailed on from the shores of her homeland momentarily saddened Théadain, before she recalled that it had been what Arwen had desired for many years, long before the threat of Sauron entered the minds of the free peoples once more. She had not been driven away, she had gone seeking her own peace, and that thought brought peace to the Shieldmaiden also.

When she had been assured of her friend's safety, the twins pressed her for tales of her own adventures, tasking her with relaying her account of the Fellowship's journey following their departure from Rivendell. They listened intently to her recounts of the Mines of Moria, on to her regretful whisper of the fall of Boromir, before a hand landed on Elrohir's shoulder, and he glanced up to meet his father's gaze.

"It is time, my sons." Elrond murmured with an apologetic smile, watching as the two younger elves rose without hesitation, closely followed by the Third Marshal of Rohan; "Forgive us, Théadain, but our task is done, and it is not our place to linger here."

"Of course." She breathed softly, biting back her curious questions as to the nature of the elf-lord's task. Of course, she could not have presumed they would ride to battle with them. The elfin race had already lent them support during the Battle of Helm's Deep – nor could she offer them much in the way of hospitality or comfort, teetering on the edge of riding out as they were.

"I was glad to see your father returned to his full strength." Elrond smiled to her as their horses were brought, "I trust your time with the Fellowship was rewarding?"

She could not help the slight heat that sprang to her cheeks at his knowing smile, making it clear that he did not speak of her merely finding a cure for her father's torment.

"More than I could ever have anticipated." She nodded with a small smile, "Thank you for setting me on this path."

"Your path was already before you, child." He smiled kindly, laying a hand on her shoulder in farewell before he turned to mount his horse, "It still is, you cannot falter now."

"I won't." She promised softly, smiling as Elladan and Elrohir each moved to embrace her before mounting their horses. Her farewell caught in her throat as she looked up at the three elves, unsure if she would ever see them again, with the battle still lingering on the horizon.

"Go well, my friends." She managed after a moment, bowing her head respectfully.

"Na lû e-govaned vîn, Théadain, daughter of Théoden." Lord Elrond bade her farewell softly as he and his sons drew up their hoods once more and turned to the winding pathway that would lead them down from the mountain.

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