The Hobbit: An Unexpected Journey Part 3

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By now I have gone back to the second Unexpected Journey chapter and changed Salem back to Sauron.

Of course, by the vote, not will Sauron be himself, but Salem will now be Galadriel. So I hope you all enjoy what's your come this chapter.


The viewing opened to reveal the Company traveling down a stone path, along a sloping hill surrounded by trees. They then made their way across an eloquent stone bridge above a streaming river, passing two statues of elven guards as they made their way to a stone staircase that stood at the foot of a great elven hall.

Angelic vocalizing rang through the theater as the dwarves entered the land of Rivendell. Roman in particular took interest in looking upon the elven towers and buildings, smiling at the splendor of the valley.

The Company then halted on a platform before the staircase as Ozpin the Grey stood in front of them. As the dwarves gave wary looks to the elven valley, an elf with long, brown hair, draped in elegant cloth, made his way past two elven guards.

"Mithrandir!" The elf called out.

Turning around, Ozpin smiled upon who he saw walking towards him and his comrades. "Ah, Lindir."


"Mithrandir?" Ozpin questioned.

"It's what elves in Middle-Earth refer to you by." Vortech stated. "In the common tongue it translates to Grey pilgrim."

"I see." Ozpin nodded in return. "Fitting, given my counterpart's wandering nature."


Lindir gave a gentle smile at Ozpin as he walked towards the group, holding his right hand on his chest before waving it out with a nod.

"Stay sharp." James whispered to Dwalin as they eyed Lindir in suspicion.


"He really does expect the elves to do something despicable to them, doesn't he?" Ironwood asked while shaking his head.

"It seems he's not the only one." Winter observed. "It seems the other dwarves aren't as fond as elves either."

"Receiving no aid from the elves in their darkest hour really put a strain on the relationship of elves and dwarves, didn't it." Port said with a frown.


"We heard you had crossed into the Valley." Lindir spoke to Ozpin in elvish.

"I must speak with Lord Nicholas." Ozpin informed Lindir.


"So we are seeing grandfather." Weiss said. Her expression was somewhat schooled, yet she held and excited and expectant glint in her eyes.

"What was your grandfather like?" Ruby asked her partner.

"Brave. Strong-willed. Charismatic. Determined. Respected by everyone in his time." Weiss listed off before she solemnly shook her head. "Sadly, stories are all I have to go on in regards to grandfather. He passed away before I was born. Winter said all she could remember of him were a few pieces of what she could recall of from when she was a toddler."

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