chapter 1

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All I remember seeing is black.

I hear voices all around me.

"She is in critical condition," I hear some random voice say.

Then I hear a very loud siren.

Then I goes black once again.

I remember waking up to a strange voices in the room.

I slowly open my eyes. I could barely keep them open because of the bright lights.

"Oh shit, she's awake!" I heard my best friend Kathleen say.

"Kat-" I try to say.

"Shhh, don't talk, where all here."

"Who is here?" I asked very confused

"Everyone from school." She says with relief.

I look around and see my best friends from school. Kathleen, Amajaris, Geralys, Rebecca, and Syniya.

"What the hell are you guys doing here." I asked in the happiest tone.

"We came to see how you were feeling." Said Amajaris.

"So how is my Bon Bon Vicky feeling??" Said Geralys. (A nickname she calls me)

"I'm feeling better than ever!" I said in a peppy sarcastic tone.

"Well we have a surprise for you!!" Said Rebecca.

"Oh let me guess? One of the Magcon boys?" I asked in a sarcastic way.

They smirked at me. And thats a when they walked in.

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