chapter 2

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Oh my gosh. No. This can't be happening. Why her? My best friend in the whole world just got into a car crash and could be dying as we speak.

When we found out the news about Victoria, me and some more of our friends ran from school all the way to the hospital. When we got to the hospital, I screamed at the receptionist,


"S-She's in surgery right now, b-but you may stay in the waiting room for now." She managed to stutter.

"Damn," I muttered.

All of us were desperately waiting in the waiting room.

*5 minutes later*

5 minutes have passed and everyone started to get board and tired. That's until we seen a group of nine or ten guys running into the hospital. I couldn't really understand what they where saying.

But then, we saw that the receptionist pointed at us, and they came walking over.

I looked over at one of the boys and one of them looks like a twin of Justin Bieber. I looked even closer and saw that it was..No, are you kidding me? MATTHEW FUCKING LEE ESPINOSA. Thankfully I didn't scream it out to the gods. Becca, Amajaris, Geralys, and Syniya looked over where I was looking at and their mouths dropped, as did mine.

"So why are all of you guys here?" Nash asked.

"One of friends got into a really bad car accident and is in surgery right now." Said Becca.

"Oh... Hopefully she's gonna be ok." Said Hayes with sad eyes.

"Yeah..." I said in a low pitch tone.

"How bout you guys." I asked trying to keep the convo going.

"Nash and Hayes's little sister Skylynn broke her wrist some how and- well you can understand what happened from there?" Cameron said while scratching his head. We all chuckled.


Kathleen- 15 years old. Dirty blonde, long curly hair. Down to the bottom of her back. Brown eyes. And skinny. Can sing. Favorite boy is Matt.
Amajaris- 18 years old. Dark dark brown almost black hair. Ends of her hair dyed blue. Dark brown eyes. Skinny. Can sing. Favorite person is Cameron.
Geralys- 16 years old. Brown hair. Ends of her hair dyed blonde. Brown eyes. Skinny. Can sing. Favorite boy is Carter.
Rebecca- 15 years old. Long straight, brown hair. Has glasses. Skinny. Can sing. Favorite boy is Aaron.
Syniya- 16 years old. Short brown hair. Has glasses. Skinny. Can sing. Favorite boy is Taylor.

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