Pillars Of Bloodlust

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Scarlet's POV

I woke up, and went to the balcony, like I always did every morning. I noticed a strange woman with purple hair approaching the mansion, with the severed head of a pillar man on her belt. Somehow the head was still alive, and the woman stopped moving, as she stared up at me, with a look of hatred in her eyes. I jumped off the balcony, landing gracefully in front of the woman. "Who are you, intruder? Why are you here?" I asked her, holding a sword made purely out of Hamon energy in my right hand. "My name is Harmony, and I am the daughter of the pillar man, Kars." The woman replied, glaring at me. "Your kind is not welcome here. Leave now, or you will die a painful and gruesome death." I threatened, aiming my sword at her throat. "We should leave, your grace. Leave Eisidisi to deal with her." The severed head said, and Harmony growled. "You are right, Whamuu....Eisidisi, deal with this insect" Harmony said, before retreating.

Eisidisi appeared, and I immediately lunged at him, but when I did, he immediately punched a hole through my chest and threw me into the mansion. I was having trouble breathing and I began to cough up blood, before my eyes began to glow a bright yellow, as I get up, my fangs getting longer, and my nails becoming short claws. I lunged at Eisidisi and began to brutally slash at him, as I began to drink his blood, not caring about his boiling blood, as heat didn't effect me just like sunlight didn't effect me. He threw me off his neck and I growled, letting out a beastly roar as I plunged my sword into his chest, going straight through his heart and out of his back. He immediately began to turn to dust, because of the hamon that I had impaled him with.

Rena Scarlet came out of the house and I smiled at her, before I collapsed on the floor. Rena Scarlet began to panic, as she brought me into the mansion, sending out a distress call for help.

Jackie's POV

I was still on my way home from the Scarlet mansion when I heard a distress call coming from the mansion. I rushed back as fast as I could, and I saw the front garden was covered in the blood of vampires and pillar men. I rushed into the house and went to Rena Scarlet. "Oh my god...What happened to her?" I asked, a few tears in my eyes. "I...I don't know....She was attacked by the pillar men.... and she now has a huge hole in her chest..." Rena said, trying not to cry. "Don't cry, Serena. She will hopefully be ok..." I replied, hugging the young vampire.

I then left the mansion after cauterising the wound, because I needed to get some of my tools from the lab. Scarlet will not die, I will not let that happen.

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