Frustration And Anxiety

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Rem's POV

I watched as my beloved Subaru woke up, as I stood next to my sister, Ram. "Good morning, was the best sleep that I've had in years...." Subaru said, yawning softly. "Would you like a nice warm cup of tea, my love?" I asked Subaru, blushing softly. "My love? What do you mean, Rem?" Emilia asked, as she walked into the room. "Hold me back, sister..." I asked, as Ram grabbed hold of my arms, sighing. "Yes I understand, sister..." she said, as Emilia sat on the side of Subaru's bed. "I don't know what you're talking about, Rem..Subaru and I have been dating for months now..." Emilia said, smiling softly. "I'll get her...and I'll make it look like a bloody accident.." I said to myself, before I calmed myself down. "Understood, my apologies, Lady Emilia." I said, as Ram and I bowed, leaving the room.

"Why did I allow her to come back to life?" I asked Ram after we went downstairs. "It's simple, you regretted your actions and you wanted her to come back to life." Ram replied, and I clenched my fists. "WE JUST STARTED DATING, AND EMILIA JUST TURNED UP AND STOLE HIM FROM ME AGAIN!" I yelled, trying to contain my anger. Ram placed a hand on my shoulder. "Sister, you need to control your emotions. This isn't what he would want." She said, and I sighed. "I poured my heart and soul into that confession...and he is forced to say: I love Emilia! Every single time, and I'm sick of it! I know that he loves me!" I ranted, And Ram stared into my eyes with a look of disappointment in her eyes. "Please...calm down, Rem." She pleaded, and I let out an annoyed sigh. "Fine...I'll calm down..." I said, as we left the kitchen, ready to continue serving Subaru and Emilia.

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