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Rem's POV

I looked at Emilia, feeling a sense of relaxation knowing that she's here with us. "I'm sorry Emilia...I should have waited..." I said, groaning as I held my head. "Nobody knew that you were alive again, Rem. Felicia will be here soon, and then we will be able to restore your arm. Let's just hope that Subaru kills Ley." Emilia said, and I nodded softly. Subaru might not be the strongest, but I believe in him.

Subaru's POV

I set up a campfire in the forest nearby, as I needed a rest. I have been walking for an hour so far. "Hello Subaru." A voice said, and I looked around, confused and scared. "Who's there?" I asked, and I heard a low chuckle coming from the shadows in front of me. I saw an unseen hand appearing from the shadows, as a woman suddenly appeared on the large hand, as she stepped down onto the ground in front of me, with a smile on her face. "You're not Satella..." I said, feeling very confused. "You know who I am, Subaru Kun." The cloaked witch said, removing her cloak to reveal what looked like Rem. Her hair was grey and her eyes were purple, like the other members of the witch cult, but this was Rem, I was sure of it.

"You're from the other Subaru's world aren't you?" I asked her, and she looked confused. "Me and my Subaru are from the same world as you, Subaru Kun." Rem said, and my eyes widened. "But you're not my Rem. How are you from my world?" I asked her, and she laughed. "You're the archbishop of pride, I'm the archbishop sin of envy, and my Subaru is an archbishop sin of Gluttony. We are all from the same timeline, We just haven't met in person before." She said, grinning maliciously at me. "I don't trust you, Rem." I said, causing her to grab me with her hands. "I'm here to help you. Stop being so paranoid!" She said before she dropped me back onto the ground. She then sat me down on a log as we began to formulate a plan to kill Gluttony.

To be continued...

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