The Battle Of The Archbishops

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Envy's POV

I looked at Subaru as I continued to formulate a plan to kill Gluttony, feeling bad for my rudeness towards him earlier. "So're a member of the witch cult?" He asked me, sighing. "I used to be. Me and my Subaru wanted to start a family, but Satella and Ley always kept us separated for some reason. We both left our cults, and we have been on the run ever since. I eventually died when I fought Sephiroth in the survival game, before Yuno fought him a day later." I explained, clenching my fists. "Ley recently consumed Ram...and everyone forgot about her almost instantaneously...Rem forgot about her too...her own sister..." Subaru said, and I placed my hand on his shoulder. "Listen to me, Subaru. If we defeat Ley, then we might be able to save Ram." I said, smiling at him.

"Are you sure about that?" A voice said and I summoned my flail from the shadows. Ley stepped out of the shadows, licking his lips as he looked at us. I smirked softly as I dropped my flail, placing my hand in front of me as purple arms appeared from behind me, wrapping around Ley as I began to crush him. Subaru stared on in horror as I demonstrated my immense power. I felt Gluttony disappearing, but I knew that he was mortally wounded, because the moment after The hands disappeared, a huge amount of blood poured onto the floor in front of me. " actually did it..." Subaru said, shocked and terrified. "Return to the Roswaal mansion, I need to go after Sephiroth." I said, as I began to disappear into the shadows. "Goodbye Subaru-Kun." I said as I disappeared, leaving him on his own. Subaru got up as he headed back to the Roswaal mansion, hoping that Ram was going to be awake when he got there.

To be continued...

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