Shattered Minds

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Swan woke up on her bed, noticing that she had the mark of gluttony on her chest when she looked at herself in the mirror. "You're finally awake." A female voice said, as Swan held a dagger. "Who's there?!" She asked, as the woman walked out of the shadows.

"My name is Merlin. Xania has instructed for me to look after you. She is currently standing outside of the house, making sure that there aren't any attempts made on your life. You are currently adjusting to the authority of Gluttony that was passed down to you when Ley Batenkaitos was killed." Merlin revealed, before she gave Swan a cup of coffee.

Swan smiled at Merlin, as she could already tell that she was a nice person just from this first encounter with her. Merlin obviously smiled back at her, as she sat next to Swan. "The source of the headaches has been revealed by the way. When you gained Ley's authority of Gluttony, you gained the names and memories of everybody that he consumed. You will adjust to this new power, but you need to understand that you are now a target. Everybody will want to kill you to get their friends back." Merlin revealed, as Swan rolled her eyes.

"I have an alter form, Merlin. I know for a fact that I can survive an onslaught of enemies. I killed 25 million wall titans using Excalibur Morgan. I'm able to use Gilgamesh. Why do you think that I won't be able to survive?" Swan asked, as Merlin opened a book that Emilia wrote about the witches.

"Xania thinks that you will go insane because of the authority of Gluttony. I don't believe that, but I still need to keep an eye on you." Merlin explained, as she closed the book, placing it in her backpack. "The Scarlet Titan can deal with intruders, but after you gained the authority of Gluttony, I don't think that you would be able to control your actions whenever you become the scarlet titan." Merlin said, concerned for Swan's sanity.

"Xania is one of the previous owners of Excalibur Morgan. I have faith in her abilities, Merlin. You may be right about me, but I'm absolutely sure that Xania will be able to survive." Swan replied, as she went downstairs into the living room with Merlin.


Xania stood in front of the house, holding Excalibur Morgan in her hand as she saw the remnants of the witch hunters approaching her. Xania was enveloped in red mist as she began to transform. This form was granted to her by the witch of entropy.

After the witch hunters stopped coughing, they noticed two glowing yellow eyes staring at them from the mist that started to clear.

To be continued in Planet Zero: Volume 2...

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