April Fool

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Breaking News: Humour Relief - The world has been April-Fooled.

It would've been perfect, but there is nothing like a fool's paradise. It only exists in the realm of idealism. Unfortunately, this is reality. This is our reality.

We're, however, tempted to choose solace in the fool's path; the ostrich's defence. Head stuck in the ground, we shake our butts to the music of the age, tap dance to the rhythm of the strummers, and ruffle our feathers at the sound of the lyrics.

Verse 1:
YOLO. You Only Live Once.

Verse 2:
YODO. You Only Die Once.

So we try to find balance by living in the in-between. We create our interludes. The problem comes when we forget to transit. Interludes are enchanting but temporary. The camera has to roll on. The next scene must go on. But we're stuck in La La Land.

Caught up in fantasies and fairy tales, we hit a dysfunction - a single being in two worlds. The body here, mind there. One part excites and the other breaks down. Dysfunction. Asynchrony. Unsymmetrical existence. Irregular balancing.

But the beat must go on. And as we rock and sway and stamp to its tunes, I seriously hope we have a remedy for the coming cramps.

For DoReMi will never replace DoRiMe.

Let the church say...


Happy April Fool's day.

April 1, 2020.

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