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One of my most appreciated gifts of the year 2020 has been my near-death experience.

Some folks have wondered why so many of life's pleasures don't give me the thrills. I've been seen as one who doesn't know how to "enjoy" life.

You see, life, for me, is all about experiences and choices. I may not speak for everyone, but I can speak most-assuredly for myself.

Having severally stood on the divide of life's Rubicon, having been granted a glimpse of the thin silver lining, having been giving a chance at life again, many of life's supposed spices suddenly lost their appeal on me. "Suddenly" may not be the right word to use, for my current state has been brought about by much introspection and deep and long reflections.

I'll keep rooting for experiences, but I'll also root for knowledge as much as can be gathered, for good living (even though the subjectivity of the word "good" is often debated, I strongly believe that in every man lies the knowledge of what 'good' and 'evil' is, and that all men have the freedom of choice to make his/her decisions, irrespective of external forces and controls).


Many have sought it forcefully as a form of escapism from life's issues. Having been to its edge severally, I have no iota of rebuke or judgement left in my bones for such folks. What I have is a certain feeling of understanding and empathy, for while one is not certain of what lies on the other side of the door, one is sure that the door certainly cuts off this part of existence and its attendant experiences.

I'm not who I was. Things have changed, and will yet change.

So, do I enjoy life? YES. To its fullest, though the forms and manners may differ.

DISCLAIMER: I speak only of my experiences and make no certain proposition. My experiences are my truths for they are real to me, and sometimes, that is all that matters.

I'm still a traveller and don't claim to have complete knowledge of The Path. That which I've come to know, I accept as a privilege and don't make light of it. Of that which I'm yet to know, I accept my limitations and strive to continually stay open for receptivity.

Peace as we journey on.


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