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Dreams, they say, are meant for those who sleep. But in this lane, my dreams keep me awake.

I've showered for the night. It's been over an hour, but I still have my towels around my waist. As the warm water hit my scalp, ideas hit my head. Ideas that keep the tiredness at bay. The body's weak, but the spirit keeps it pumped. Adrenaline rush. The mind suddenly sparking flames. Firing bursts of neurons.

My pen's been dancing on papers. Drafting plans. Plotting moves. Listing connections. Making budgets on imaginary funds. It's funny but my dreams have made me mad. Lolz... My account currently read N1030.85 but my mind, damn...

Dreams keep me awake, and away from dreams. They consume me. At this point, it's safe to say I don't own my dreams. They own me. They're bigger than me. They come from a Source beyond my existence. They'll far outlive my existence.

I call myself crazy because I can't even afford to completely feed myself right now. A roll of sausage for the whole day. Few sticks of biscuits on other days, washed down, or more appropriately, drowned with cups and cups of water. Some days, I ride the waves on an empty stomach. Dreams keep me alive.

I'm reminded right now. Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from God's mouth. It's safe to say I hear the voice of God, for it's the only explanation for why I keep keeping on. It's the only explanation for the drive. The push. The zest. Life.

I need to be awake to hit the road by 5 am tomorrow. I use "tomorrow" because it's 23:59 right now. So I might have to put this frenzy......

I'll leave this unedited. Straight as it is... So I dozed off as I went to finish so uncompleted task and I'm up again and it's 1:27am, and I'm frigging tired. Mentally fagged out right now. So I'll just update this, and take a break.

Today we live. One day at a time. For life. For dreams.

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