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It’s the value you place on yourself, others would commend or celebrate.

Birthday isn’t about drawing attention but a day to value oneself and one’s existence.

Remember “teach us to number our days...so we can apply our heart to wisdom”

For years, I never celebrated my birthday nor even talk about it. In fact, sadly I don’t even remember until some days had passed and I hear the current date, ie someone says “today is 14th Valentine” then I would remember and say, “ah... my birthday was 2 days ago”

It was around 2013/14 that God spoke to me... and showed me the prophets in the Bible, their confidence, self esteem and self value were undebateable... He said for Him to manifest His purpose through me, I need to value me... I need to celebrate me and I need to be comfortable when others celebrate me as it’s not me but Him being celebrated in me.

So am sharing same with you, putting yourself down so others can be elevated or disregarding yourself so as not to call attention to yourself is not a sign of humility but DISRESPECT and DISVALUE of the great one inside of you.

Remember we may not celebrate birthday, like those of the world ie parties, excessive spendings, misplacement of priorities etc but we sure know how to celebrate God in ourselves on such days.eg Release a book to the world, go on outreach to win souls, reach out to the homeless& helpless, call some people and pray for them etc

It’s a day to celebrate my existence, to appreciate God for life of impact and to declare God’s faithfulness to the world.

As a mentor and someone you respect, allowing me to pray with you and thank God for a life of purpose is enough reason to tell me. That’s why I felt hurt, but nevertheless, I understand you and that’s why I had taken time to type this epistle😊

I hope hence, you would take note and work on this area too.

Life is whatever we call it... how much value you place on you, would also determine how much value others would place on you.

I celebrate you always and next year birthday would be full of life in Jesus name

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