June 23, 2020

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For the past few weeks, I've been privileged (and I mean the word 'privilege' in its complete sense) to have been exposed to the feelings of several folks. Feelings ranging from various points on the pain-pleasure spectrum.

When I speak of 'exposed' here, it's majorly in the sense of a deep inner impression, most times coming so strongly as to rob me of sleep and a restful mind. I've cried at the intense feeling of exhilarating joy, and I've shed hot tears for the weighty burden of heart-wrenching pain. Emotions originating from others, and taking root in me.

This has, once again, brought me closer to the core of what it means to be in another's shoe. I must confess, I couldn't stand some of it. I, honestly, don't know if that's something that needs some prunning, or if it's a normal feedback to overwhelming emotional influxes.

Some days, I wanted to be alone and revel in quiet solitude and aloneness, but I'd been interrupted by the very expressive type of joy found in kids who play ball at beaches. Some days when I'd felt like going all out in my expression of playful emotions, I'd been forced to temper such zests to really get to know the other.

I've been made to relinquish sobriety for playfulness,  and vice versa.

As challenging as these have been for me, they have yielded a form of reward one could only have gotten by choosing to tread the path less trodden. Explanations might not suffice in the description of this level of satisfaction. It comes with the knowing that separate hearts flowed into each other and melded as one.

One very important lesson for me is summarized in the next few words. "Trust is earned." The dynamics of earning trust is one I observed in awe. I was both an active participant, as well as an active spectator to the theatrical nature of human interactions, both in a physical, and in the deep, sixth-sense way.

This has pushed me beyond the world of theoretical knowledge into the form of knowledge that experience alone provides. It's interesting to watch the difference and experience it from a personal point of view.

I, however, note that my methods are still new (in the sense of time and experience) and I still have much to learn as I progress. But this fuels my desire for more experiences, and serves as a reminder that the road has more to offer the man who stays open to its fluxes.

I'm currently that man who has stopped at a gas station to fill up his tank, and probably get a meal. I hope to remember to tip the attendants as I leave. 🙂🙂

I remain your companion,

Dr. Fluid.


Bedroom WhispersDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora