Chapter 49: Panic In Hogwarts

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Amelia's P.O.V

So, basically, we have an hour to give ourselves in, or get given into to Voldemort, or a war will start. As much as I would hate it to happen, it'll probably be the third one, because we still need to find a Horcrux, destroy it, find a way to get to the snake, kill that, then destroy the cup. Which will not happen in an hour, I can tell you that, and we're not giving ourselves in, because that would get Harry killed and me locked up, and that is not happening. What we really have to do, is kill Voldemort before he kills us, but it's easier said than done. We have experienced that saying a lot over the last six months. I know Voldemort's not going to stop until he has us in his grasp, which is not happening any time soon, I can tell you. We better get a move on and destroy those bloody Horcruxes or we'll all be dead, happy thoughts, right? But still, it has to be done, and there's nothing we can do to make that otherwise. All we need to do right now is attempt it and hope for the best. No-one wants to be in this situation, even those who don't know about the Horcruxes. If they're of age, they may have a chance of dying in this battle. I know I shouldn't think this but how can you not?

The whole school was manic, hundreds of students rushing up and down stairs, corridors, the towers, everything. The paintings weren't any better, they were all panicking like there was no tomorrow, and to think that they've been calm through everything else. I've never seen any of them like this, some young first years were crying whilst being evacuated from the school, some under the age of seventeen were refusing to leave, people were shouting, running, making plans of teams, groups and more. I witnessed all of this just going up the stairs, Harry by my side. We were on our wat to the Ravenclaw common room, we have to find some way of knowing where the Horcrux is, and we best start there. That was until we heard the familiar voice of Ron calling up to us, I stopped in mid-run and turned to face the two figures rushing to catch us up.

"Amy! Harry! Hermione and I have something to tell you! We've been thinking, you see, and it doesn't matter is we find a Horcrux here." Ron told us, students barging past us. Maybe stopping in the middle of the stairs wasn't the best idea ever, but we really didn't care at that moment.

"What in Godric's name to you mean by that?" I asked in deisbelief, of course it mattered if we didn't find the Horcrux! I pushed the hair out of my face and brushed my fringe into my hair, making it stick up a bit. I hadn't put it up in a while, and Hermione cut it once whilst we were in hiding, but it grows pretty quickly, so I just left it be. To deal with after this is all over. If we survive, that is.

"Unless we can destroy the thing, that is." Hermione explained, the confusing fading off my face.

"We were thinking-" Ron started, only to be cut off by Hermione.

"Ron was thinking, actually. It was all his idea, completely brilliant in my opinion." She rambled quickly, letting Ron continue talking.

"Remember, Harry, when you killed Tom Riddle's diary with a Basilisk fang? Well, Hermione and I think we know were to find one." Ron informed us and Harry nodded, pulling something from his back pocket.

"Alright, but you should take this, the map. So you can find us afterwards." Harry said, handing the old, discoloured parchment before grabbing my hand to continue where we were going.

"But- but where are you two going?" Hermione questioned curiously.

"To the Ravenclaw common room, have to start somewhere, right?" I replied, bouncding up the meny flights of grey, concrete stairs. My feet pattered on every step, the rubber of my shoes hitting it softly. Harry and I pushed through the slow running pupils and continued at our fast pace, when a light, airy yet determined voice called up to us. By this time, we were almost half way there, sprinting our way up the less crouded spiral stairway, nearing Ravenclaw tower.

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