"Hello Luisa, Missed Me?"

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Third person POV.

Luisa was tired. And lost. And afraid.
What had she done?
She'd killed the love of her life. Rose. She'd fucking pushed her off a roof, had her impaled and then she was fucking set on fire. She did that to the one woman who gave her everything she could. The one woman who watched out for her. The one woman who loved her.
As she sat on her leather couch, sipping her wine, she stared off into space, thinking about everything she'd been through with her love, Rose Solano.

"You never know when lightning is gonna strike."

"You know ours is the greatest love story ever told."

"But I love you Luisa. I've always loved you."

"Say yes, please."

Luisa shook her head, as though the movement would expel the thoughts that crept into her mind. The regret she'd felt. Rafael was her brother, she loved him, but he gave up on her. Rose never did. When she was lost Rafael was the one who gave up and didn't care, but Rose was the one who called, left messages, had sleepless nights worrying about her. Rose. Not Rafael.

"How could I have-" Luisa broke down and cried, she sobbed uncontrollably, she wished she could go back in time, far back, back to when Rose was at her side, begging her to run away together. And she wished she could tell her younger self, to say yes.
Luisa curled into a ball on her couch, staring at the crack in the glass door which allowed wind to pass through and fell asleep, feeling the wetness on her face soak into the couch below her.

"Wake up baby,"
Luisa felt a light brush against her cheek, she awoke to a red sea of waves flowing over her face, and in the middle a gorgeous woman, with sharp features and piercing blue eyes, that were so blue, they even appeared to be purple.
"Hey there sleepyhead. Thanks for finally joining me."
"Ro-se?" Luisa's voice broke. She realised where she was. The bright light shining through the window? The sea she heard outside? She was back in that hotel she was in with her. Before she went back. Back when she was happy.
"Yeah baby?" Rose was getting off the bed, but she turned to face her, happiness radiating off her features.
"I'm sorry...and...I love you." Luisa allowed a tear to fall helplessly onto her pillow.
"Baby?" Rose rushed to her side, immediately wiping the trail the tear left off her cheek. This only caused Luisa to cry more. "Baby, whatever it is, there's nothing that'll stop me from loving you. You know that."
"I-I betrayed you! I killed you! You can't love me!" Luisa bawled.
Rose cradled Luisa on her lap, having her lean her head on her chest.
"Luisa, I love you more than anything. I will always love you. No matter what. Shoot me a thousand times, and I'll still come back for a kiss. Remember that."

Luisa shot awake, new tears streaming down her pale cheeks.
She bawled and sobbed and cried till her eyes were redder than blood. She felt as though there was a cavity in her chest and it only crumbled and grew as the minutes...seconds went by.
She buried her face in her pillow and screamed
"I'm sorry! Rose I'm sorry! I love you! Please come back to me!" Until her voice was hoarse and she could scream no more.
But as she finally settled, and her cries died down to shaky breaths, a knock came at her door.
Before, her heart would flutter, and she would wish maybe, just maybe, Rose came back for her. But there was no possibility of that, Luisa of all people should know.
When she opened the door, she found Rafael, Jane and Mateo, all waiting to great her.
"Aunt Luisa!" Mateo ran into her arms.
"Hey Lu, you alright?" Rafael asked, noticing her eyes.
"Yeah, I'm good, I just...uh...I'm getting used to things."
"What's wrong?"
"Oh, uh, I guess I was lonely, I used to have-" Luisa stopped herself and cleared her throat. "But uh yeah...I'm trying to cope a little I guess."
"Luisa, you aren't...regretting what you did are you?" Rafael asked, suspicion laced in his voice. He immediately went to the point, no beating around the bush, when it came to his sister, anything could happen.
"N-no, I-" Luisa stuttered. "I just, I miss her a little you know, it's hard to-to know she's actually....gone."
And that's all Rafael needed to know.
"I knew it," he snatched Mateo out of her arms ,"You're still in love with the psychopath who tried to destroy my family. I thought you'd changed Lu. I thought I could finally trust you. Guess I was wrong." He stormed off, leaving her with a new batch of tears beginning to fall.
As the door slammed shut, Luisa screamed after him,
The anger boiled inside of her.
She turned, barely having the strength to move, crashing into the walls as she made her way to the bed. As she fell onto the king sized mattress, she immediately felt lonely. Not comfort, not warmth, not rested, she felt alone.
She fell asleep. Yes, she'd just woken up, but the weight of everything pushed down on her, and it made her tired, all the time. Tired of everything. Yet she wanted to do something, to go out, to run, to jog, to talk to someone. But she was just, too tired. And she wanted it to go away. But it wouldn't. So yet again, she let the only warmth she could find take her, and it was the darkness.

~Six months later~

Luisa closed up the shop late, it had taken a while, but she had rebuilt her family life with her brother, and with the help of Petra, she opened up her own coffee shop. It was all slowly coming together. Her life, despite her previous thoughts, wasn't completely destroyed after all. She could live without the love of her life, she found ways.
Whether it was drowning her sorrows in whiskey or tequila or spending many nights with many strangers. But she got by, her drinking never went too far and she made sure to never get too attached to anyone. It wasn't hard, not because she held herself back but because she simply couldn't, Rose was the only one she loved. She was the only one she really ever cared for. Even her wife, Alison, was really just a distraction, keeping her from her affair with Rose.
It was dark, the sun was now setting, and Luisa was hurrying to her car. She fumbled with her keys and dropped them, the street was more or less pretty lonely, with a few couples walking around. She silently cursed in her head and bent down to pick them up.
The hairs on the back of her neck pricked. Someone was watching her.
She looked around, and finding nothing, she turned back to her car door. She opened it, hopped inside and started the vehicle. She adjusted her seat and finally looked up to her rear view mirror, ready to go home. What she wasn't ready for was to be met by a pair of striking blue eyes. Blue eyes, that almost seemed purple.
Could it be?
No. It couldn't.
"Hello Luisa. Missed me?"
"R-Rose?" Luisa's voice broke.
"Hi sweetheart, I'm back." Rose smirked. "I've got some things to do, we'll catch up later, don't you worry. I'll see you soon baby."
Luisa turned to face her. She had to be sure. But when she saw her, her face, her lips, her eyes, everything about her, she was reminded how much she missed her. All the regret she felt overflowed and tears welled up in her eyes. Rose slowly came forward, and for a moment, Luisa was afraid. She knew what she did, and Rose of all people knew as well. So she backed off. But Rose gently held her chin, and as soon as she felt her touch, she broke, tears streaming down her face.
"I-I'm sorr-" Luisa was stopped from saying another word as Rose's lips collided with hers. And as they did, Luisa immediately felt a wave of relief wash over her, but it didn't last long.
Something was....off. Her lips tasted funny, not the good kind. Luisa's head became woozy, and soon she was seeing three Roses.
"Shh baby. Sleep."

And then, Luisa was enveloped in that familiar darkness that always provided her with the only warmth and comfort she could find.

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