Grow Up

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About 2 months passed, 2 months of Yunho dealing and trying to accept Yeosang's knowledge on just about anything as being pretty much nothing.

The way he did things, went about things, were very simple and narrow minded, and when Yunho tried to teach him better ways of doing things sometimes he was met with a frustrating tantrum of "But I don't want to do it that way" or "But my way is easier".

Tantrums were so annoying, sure, everyone gets angry every now and then, but it was just that Yeosang got grumpy over the simplest things, resulting in strange petty arguments.

For example one time Yunho was leading Yeosang on his bike he wanted to go down the path on the right since he knew it was quicker but Yeosang was hell-bent that the path on the left was quicker, instead of negotiating and compromising Yeosang had jumped off his bike in an angry huff and stomped off.

Yunho was left standing confused because he didn't even get a chance to speak, he didn't even raise his voice. Yeosang just went from one end of the spectrum to the other.

Another time they were sitting drawing in the grass, Yunho just so happened to pick up the pencil Yeosang was using and Yeosang threw a fit because that was the pencil he was using, and he crossed his arms and pouted until Yunho returned it.

It should also be noted that Yunho had to explain to Yeosang what a pencil was since apparently all he'd ever drawn with were crayons.

Yunho always did his best not to let it bother him, he was beginning to learn that that was just how Yeosang was.

There was one particular day though that sent Yunho boiling over, that made him snap.

Yunho had had a long day at school. It was exam week and he was stressing big time, but he was keeping his calm, he needed this time with Yeosang to relax, not stress.

Because he had been studying most nights it meant that he was going to bed later which meant his time with Yeosang was shorter, although the smaller didn't seem to notice.

The two boys both sat on the garden steps that led down to the lower ground section of the garden. Yunho wasn't in the mood to play any wild games or go exploring like usual. He just wanted to rest.

"Yunho why are you so sad today" Yeosang asked

"I'm not sad, I'm just tired, I'm stressed" Yunho answered in a weary voice, not looking at Yeosang.

"Why are you stressed?" Yeosang questioned

"I have a lot of exams to study for, for school. I want to do well, but to do well I have to know all the information, I have to answer all the questions and I have to answer them correctly. In a few years I'll finish high school and if I can show universities that I'm a good student then I can get into the course I want and be who I want to be. It's all dependent on my grades though"

"You're smart, you can do anything" Yeosang smiled and stuck up his thumbs.

"Thank you" Yunho smiled, passing a quick glance at Yeosang. He wondered whether Yeosang even knew what it meant to take an exam, to go to school, to university, he wondered what sort of life existed for Yeosang outside the dream space.

A moment of silence passed before Yeosang spoke up.

"Yunho, when will I get to go to school?"

Yunho huffed and frowned.

"I'm sure you already go to school Sangie, out in the real world, you just don't remember while you're in here" Yunho gestured at the space around them ". . although I don't know why" he muttered that last bit under his breath in incoherent speech to which Yeosang didn't hear.

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