Chapter 9: A Visitor

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I peel back the covers of the Winchesters' guest room's bed and slip under them. I shut my eyes, sighing. At least I can be comfortable before I betray those two brothers' trust.

My guilt becomes even more pronounced than before. They seem like nice guys, and here I am, lying to their slightly gullible faces.

Not wanting to be alone with my thoughts, I open my eyes and glance around the room for something to do that'll distract me from this whole thing. My eyes fall on a TV that hangs on the wall facing the guest room's bed.

I shrug. Why not, right? I could go for some (your favorite show) right now. I hope the Winchesters are smart enough to have a Netflix.

I look at the bedside table, and a remote is chilling out on it. I snatch it and smile once I see that the Winchesters do, in fact, have a Netflix account.


I pull up (y/f/s) and start all the way from the beginning. I'm going into full binge mode.

The show starts, and my eyes twinkle in excitement as my favorite characters make their debut.

"Oooh, (y/f/s), huh? Hm. You've got good taste, darling," a familiar voice says from next to me.

I jump as the voice says that, looking at the person next to me in fear.

Crowley's looking at me, smirking at my scared reaction. "Hello, love."

I narrow my eyes at the King of Hell. Of course he shows up the one moment where I'm actually enjoying myself and not thinking about any of this. "Of course you had to appear now..," I mumble, grabbing the remote with shaky hands and pausing the show.

"I just wanted to see how my favorite pet was doing," he states, getting comfy in the bed next to me. He puts his hands behind his head and sighs.

"No! Don't get comfy! You're not staying!" I hiss. "If the Winchesters find out you're here with me—"

"Calm down, kitten," Crowley chuckles, cutting me off. "They won't find out as long as we're quiet."

"Get. Out," I growl, my eyes burning into his angrily.

"Mm, I do love it when you get all feisty, my dear," Crowley purrs, smiling.

Ignore the blush, (Y/N). Ignore it.

"But I'd like to see you make me," he states, looking at me with a glimmer of satisfaction in his hazel eyes. He knows I can't.

A huff of exasperation escapes me.

"That's what I thought," Crowley says, giggling at my silence.

   I close my eyes in annoyance and turn my body to face him. I open them and mumble, "So why are you actually here? I know damn well you didn't come just to chat. You obviously had something else in mind when you decided to come here."

"I'm only here to keep you company, honest," Crowley says, raising his right hand as if he's in court.

"Why the hell would you wanna keep me company?" I ask, squinting skeptically at him.

"Because," Crowley answers, although it's not really much of an answer.

"God, you remind me of a two-year-old," I grumble in exasperation.

"Good. Two-year-olds are very entertaining," he responds, smiling a little.

   "Usually. But you aren't," I grumble, crossing my arms and turning away as I pout. Damn, I'm sassy today.

His Favorite Plaything~ (Crowley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now