Chapter 15

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This chapter is dedicated to all my lovely readers. We are rated 65 as the highest so far. Thank u all for following along this far.

Dylan POV
“Leave me alone Debby. You touch me a lot,” I told my new girlfriend who I just got together with yesterday. “I’m sorry Dylan… it’s just that I love you so much,” she said batting those obvious fake eyelashes of hers. She’s perfect.

Too perfect if you ask me.

“Seems like the plan didn’t work out,” Nicholas said giving me a disapproving look. “No it didn’t,” I replied, “told you,” was all he said.

“What plan are you talking about babe?” Debby asked me in her pitch imperfect voice. “The plan involving you. You Debby, were just an act and I used you to get Chelsea jealous, which of course didn’t work out. So off you go. I never want to see you again.” I told her, already pissed off.

“But you said you love me” Debby said already in tears. “Yeah, that’s like the word of every player. I love you when I actually don’t… and you were too stupid to believe. You are just like every other girl… desperate chicks, ” I told her bluntly.

“So, you’re just going to break up with me?” she asked, clearly unsure of what to do.

“I’m not breaking up with you Debby, I’m dumping you. There is a difference. You breakup with someone who you cared about and there was something like real feelings that you had for each other… and dumping, is when you were used, preferably squeezed like an orange and thrown in the trash when all the juice is out.”

I guess she couldn’t take any more of it when she ran away…. In tears. Nicholas, who was on my reading table was watching everything that was going on intently. I know what I did to her wasn’t fair and I broke her but…

Who gives a fuck?

“I thought you said you were giving up your player ways?” Nicholas asked me with a sigh.

“I am. But Debby was just a way to get Chelsea jealous and for me to see her reaction when she sees Debby.”

“And, how did that work out for you?” he asked with that I-told-you-so look and tone in his voice. But instead of replying, I just kept an emotionless face.

“You have given that girl a reason to commit suicide."

I shrugged. It's not like I care anyways.

The next day, at school. I didn’t actually show any signs of losing someone… truth is I didn’t. I could concentrate well during classes. I caught a glimpse of Debby in one or two places and if she caught me looking, she’d just give me a glare… which sometimes looked like she was begging me.

At math class, I passed Chelsea by .9 points… why not just make it 1 point. Isn’t it funny how, though I’m a player, and obviously girls are a distraction in my life, but still yet I do excellently well at school?

Trust me, even I ask myself that question sometimes.

Moving on…

I met with Chelsea after school at the school garden and she looked relieved when she saw me without Debby. I smiled at that and walked faster. She was reading an article on wedding plans on the internet.

“Where is your girlfriend?” she asked me with a smile.

“She’s not my girlfriend anymore Chelsea. I’m free for grabs.” I replied with a smirk.

“I knew the both of you wouldn’t last. Let’s hurry up, my mum would be here any minute,” and there it goes… she has a mother.

“Your mother? Oh let’s hurry up then,” I said… mood changing.

“What’s wrong?” she asked a bit concerned when she noticed my mood change.

“It’s w-well. My mum is dead, Chelsea” I dropped the bomb and her face just fell.

“I’m so sorry. I didn’t know. I shouldn’t have brought it up.”

“Oh no, don’t feel bad. Just Nicholas and Jacob know. She died in a plane crash, eight years ago. My dad remarried afterwards and… I miss her sometimes. Things haven’t been the same without her. Usually, when I have an issue my comfort zone is by her side… her grave. I go there and tell her all my problems. She doesn’t advise me afterwards but, I feel a lot better afterwards.”

I didn’t even know I was crying till she put her arms around me for a short while and apologizing. I’ve grown immune to people apologizing to me. I’ve held the tears too long and I just couldn’t hold it in any longer.

She looked at me and told me to man up and wipe my tears. I laughed as I wiped the tears away.

This is comforting.

She picked her phone, revealing a text from her mum saying she wouldn’t be able to pick her up early and she should find her way back home… and a warning saying she shouldn’t forget she’s grounded. I wanted to ask her why she got grounded, but then I remembered my party and afterwards.

“Let’s get to our wedding planning,” I said trying to lift the tension.

An hour later, we are done and ready to go. “Let me drop you,” I offered her but she looked at me like I was crazy.

“Hell no,” she replied, rudely rejecting my offer.

“Why not? You know it’s rude to reject someone’s offer.”

“I know but I can find my way back home and I really don’t want your help.”

“Oh come on. Just get in the car and I drop you off. It’s not like I’m going to kidnap you,” I said pointing in the direction of the car… but instead of moving she just stood, putting her hands in her pocket. When I saw that she wasn’t going to move until well I left, I went behind her and pushed her all the way to the car.

She reluctantly got in, and shut the door angrily with a huff.

As we hit the road, she connected her phone to my car through Bluetooth and played ‘Sweet but Psycho’ and was singing along to it.

“Oh she’s sweet but a psycho, a little bit psycho at night she’s-“ and then she paused it.

“Why are you singing along with me?” she asked me.

Are we really doing this?

“Well, for one it’s connected to my car,” I said emphasizing the ‘my’. “Secondly, I really like the song… it defines you.”

“Well I don’t like people singing along with me… especially if their voices are terrifying and sounds like when you use a fork and run it on a pot. Your voice is terrible,” she said rolling her eyes.

“Yeah. You wish.” I replied.

“You know what. Drop me off by the stop sign,” she demanded.

“Umm no. I’m not dropping you off anywhere that’s not your house.”

“I said drop me off if not… I’ll open this door and leave the car at the stop sign.”

“Yeah, like you’d put your life in danger”

“I’m serious. I’d do it.”

“I’d like to see you try” I said.

Apparently, I doubted her because as I said that, she opened the door and I was forced to stop. She got off the car, dusting her pants. Mustering an innocent face, like she didn’t do anything wrong she said, “thanks for the ride. I really appreciate.”

She shut the door and I watched as she walked forward, turning on the GPS on her phone to lead her back home. I laugh and shake my head…

Yep. She’s sweet but psycho…
And I like her both ways.

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Love you all

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