Chapter 1 Middle school trauma

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Welcome to the first official chapter of this book No one knew! I'm happy to be writing a new story mostly because I like doing things that are new. I just want to say that I thank  you to anyone who loved or still loves my last book. When I joined Wattpad a year ago didn't think anyone would like it so I quit for a while but I came back to it and I'm really glad i did because we're now on 5k reads like seriously thanks guys! Right I'm sure you didn't come here for me to blabber on so on with the chapter enjoy!

Izuku POV:

It was just a normal day like no other, though I don't have a quirk and everyone hates me it's not like I have nowhere to go because everyone has that one place they go after school whether it is just home or a club you have somewhere to go. For me though it's a club and that club is one I joined for Shoyo Hinata my best friend and team-mate. Though I said we had a club we hadn't had one for ages and we usually just went somewhere to practice with each other, whether that was at his house, at mine or somewhere else we always practised. I forgot to say but the club we made was a volleyball club and we only made it a few days ago. Both of us are spikers but I am also a setter if Hinata needs me to be. I have to say Hinata can jump a lot higher than I can which kind of sucks. The only reason that is though is because of his quirk and maybe also because his will power but I'm not sure. When i say he can jump higher than me it's not like up to the top of a building but just high enough so he is above a volleyball net. When I have always wanted to be a hero Hinata doesn't he wants to become the best volleyball player in the world and we tell each other we can all the time. A game is coming up soon and our team is ready but none of them originally have played volleyball but Hinata says that it's ok so I don't mind. Lets do this!

"Hinata got your shoes?" I ask him looking over in his direction. He rolls his eyes "Of course have" he replies before looking down realising he hasn't got them on. I chuckle to myself. "Shut up!" Then he starts laughing along with me. "Ready?" I ask him. "Ready!" he answers. Off we go onto the court with our team behind us. 

As soon as I walk in my eyes are blinded by the shining lights surrounding the court, eventually I adjust to the light and I look around seeing a whole bunch of people sitting on top of the seats around the court. Me and Hinata didn't go to the same middle school but they let me in anyway because they didn't have enough people. "Woah!" Hinata says astonished and excited to finally be on the court. "You nervous dude?" He nods. "But at the same time," he looks over to me "I can't wait to spike the ball!" I smile at him and he smiles back. Just then I notice a guy towering over me and Hinata just behind the net on the other side of the court. Since both me and Hinata are pretty short it makes sense that there would be people taller than us, but that tall!? Holy hell. I tap Hinata on the shoulder and tell him not to turn around. He nods clearly curious but listens to me. "Yukigaoka Junior High please line up on the line" our team starts to walk to the line in order of our numbers with me being 2 and Hinata being 1 and the rest of our team getting in order. We bow and Hinata goes to shake hands with the other teams captain, little did i know that it was the extremely tall person from earlier. I can tell that Hinata is scared because he walks up to the persons whilst shaking. "G..good luck!" he says to the boy "Same to you." And just like that it starts.

Hinata POV: 

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