Chapter 12 Deku's date!

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Hey guys it's me again the guy who loves writing this book so much! No that's not sarcasm lmao. Anyway uh yeah hi welcome to a new chapter and I hope you enjoy my idea of how this date would go. So strap in get some popcorn or something and let's do this!

Izuku POV: (finally)

"Ok mom I'm heading out now!" I shout to her from the front door. I hear rattling noises, as if an earthquake was shaking the ground as pots fell to the floor. I sigh and wait for my mom to come running at me before I leave. "IZUKU!!" She yells running as fast as she can towards me, then she hugs me as tight as a snake constricting it's prey. "Have you got everything?! Your phone?! Your keys?! Have you got everything?! Make sure to do-" I cut her off "I'll be fine mom so don't worry. If anything happens to me my friends will make sure to contact you." She starts to calm down breathing steadily whilst holding her hand to her neck gently. "Izuku I'm just so happy for you, other than Shoyo and Katsuki you've never had any real friends to be with. This is why you have to be ready for when you are with them." She states still talking quite quickly. "I understand, thanks mom." I hug her and then leave waving goodbye as I walk over to the station.

After a while I arrive at the station, my white shirt gleaming in the sunlight. It looks like I'm the first one here so I lean against the wall of the train station looking up towards the sky. The echoing honks and engines all around me reminded me of the time me and Shoyo were in trouble for messing with the horns for the festival. Even though that was definitely not my fault it was his but whatever. I chuckle at the thought and stand up straight once again. My phone begins to ring and I pick up. "Hello?" I ask and am responded with "WHERE ARE YOU TWO?!" I pull the phone away from my ear for him to calm down. "I'm at the destination we agreed on. Hayani station right?" I hear a very deep sigh over the phone and a whispering voice "I said Haylini station." He sounded really depressed when saying this so I just apologised and said "I think it'd be better if we just went our separate ways for now and maybe meet up later. I still have to wait for Uraraka to get here."  He just mhm's me and hangs up. Whoops.

I wait for a little while after that checking my phone for a call or message telling me where Uraraka was. I tapped my shoes together waiting until I hear a half cheery half exasperated voice "Hey Deku! Sorry I was a bit late!" I begin to blush a bit covering my face with my hands. HER OUTFIT IS AMAZING. "Deku are you ok?" She asks me, tilting her head. "Y-yeah I'm f-fine!" Slowly I turn to her with a small smile, my face a light pink, and say "So basically Shoyo and Yachi have gone to a different station and we will meet up with them later. Is that ok?" She nods with a flustered face for some reason. I think for a while pondering what to ask her, it wouldn't be hard if I was good with stuff like that but in the end I'm terrible at anything to do with it. "There's a mochi café nearby do you want to check it out together?" She asks me again tilting her head in a questioning way. "S-sure I don't mind" I reply looking away.

As we walk to the mochi café my heart pounds loudly in my chest so you could nearly hear it outside. Sweat dripped my from my hands and my eyes never knew where to look. The path was getting narrower and narrower bringing us closer and closer until we were both so close we could feel each other's warmth. My hand brushed against hers and I felt a chill run up my spine. The freckles on my face became barely visible to anyone because of the fiery red on my face. I hope Uraraka doesn't mind that I am flustered like this. My jade green eyes wander over to her chestnut brown hair which glistened in the sunlight's rays blinding me. I try to speak up but nothing comes out but I probably would've just stuttered a lot before saying anything she can understand anyway. I smile a little realising that I'm walking next to a girl going to a café which means this could be called a d-d-date... No no she doesn't think of this as a date just two friends hanging out having a good time right? (Reference go brrrr) I don't know what to think anymore! I feel a light tap on my shoulder and I try to calm down a bit. "Deku are you ok you look really red and I can feel the heat radiating off you. What's the matter?" I freeze and start moving my hands around like Iida "Y-yes I'm fine don't worry about me." I tell her nervously chuckling. She nods towards me and we carry on walking.

Eventually we reached our destination and I looked up towards the sign on the café which read 'Mochi Supreme delights.' We both walk in and the instant scent of different flavoured mochi fill my nose, the aroma is bittersweet and the decor is as colourful as a rainbow. My eyes wander the room noticing the different pictures of rainbow sweets hanging on the vibrant pink walls. An atmosphere of pure enchanting flavours and soft music playing in my ears. "Woah," I utter in complete amazement "This place is beautiful." I look over to Uraraka and she has a small smirk on her face. "Good choice?" She asks me giggling. I nod my head furiously up and down. "I can't wait to eat here!" I tell her with a giant grin on my face. "Well then let's eat!" She replies thrusting her fist into the air.

We find a seat near to the window on the side and I pick up the menu to see what they had. I scoured the menu for something that would catch my eye. Eventually I landed on a small plate of different flavoured mochi with a medium hot chocolate covered in cream and sprinkles of chocolate on the top. "What are you getting Uraraka? I've decided on mine." She looks up from her menu and begins to chuckle, pointing at me she says "You will see my friend. You will see." I can't help but laugh at her ridiculous line but try to contain it by covering my mouth with both hands. She pouts with an embarrassed look but then laughs along with me.

A waitress comes over to our table and asks us for our orders. I tell her mine and Uraraka tells me to cover my ears so I do and she tells the waitress something I apparently can't know yet. I uncover my ears and look at her with confused eyes before passing it on. "Excuse me sir," the waitress says and I look over to her "Have you got a girlfriend? If you don't I'm free after work so I don't mind if you want to go out somewhere." My face instantly lights up with red and I start panicking stuttering out "W-W-well n-no I-I-I don't." I cover my face with my hands and peak through the gap. She winks at me and walks away with a little skip seeming as though she just won thelottery. AHHH!! I look over to Uraraka and she looked a little red whilst staring at me with a shocked expression on her face, after a while she stopped and calmed down a bit.

Our food came and she put Uraraka's down normally whilst bent right in front of my face stroking her hair back a bit. "Want me to feed you?" She asks and I quickly decline before anything else comes out of her mouth. "If your sure then I guess." She sticks a slip of paper into the top of my white shirt before leaving again. What is going on?!?! I look down at my mochi and then towards Uraraka's, my face suddenly turns back to normal as I look in curiosity at her plate full of mochi. "Uraraka what's that flavour there?" I point to a brownish pinkish mochi that looks a little bigger than the rest of them. "Oh this is the secret mochi flavour. Would you like to try it?" I nod, a little skeptical of what's about to come, but I trust her so it should be fine. I go to pick up the mochi but she slaps my hand lightly and picks it up herself. "Wait!" She splits it in half and a oozy liquid appears inside. She hands me one half and I look at her questioningly but she's already pouring her half onto her mochi pieces. I carefully tip some of it onto one of mine too before picking it up slowly. I take one last glance at her before taking a small bite and instantly falling in love. "Mmmmmmm!" I hum in joy "This is delicious! What is the flavour!" She smirks at me. "The flavour is chocolate and strawberry melted together. Chocoberry!"

We finish our desserts and I stand up putting my money on the cheque but before I can move I feel something against my arm and a voice in my ear, "I'll pay for you so don't worry. I'll see you after work." I pause and try to say something "W-well-" I am interrupted "Actually he's with me so he will be paying thank you we'll come back again." Uraraka tells her, then she grabs my hand and walks out of the shop. We continue walking back to the station we agreed to meet at were we would meet Shoyo for real this time. Hmm I wonder how those two are doing- WAIT URARAKA IS HOLDING MY HAND. I'm too nervous to say anything though and we continue walking hand in hand towards the station.

OK ITS OUT THERE WE GO. Lmao I love writing this book but I'm really lazy so sometimes I just don't post sorry about that. Here we go tho. Don't expect anything for me by next Saturday but I'll try my best to stop my laziness from taking over. See you soon!

1790 words!!!

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