Chapter 7 That game

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I am trying my best to get these out on the correct dates but sometimes it just doesn't work out. However I will try my best! Anyway thanks for joining the newest chapter. 

Izuku POV:

I wake up to the alarm on my phone realising that this will be my first day at U.A which gets me pumped and excited. I get up make my bed, brush my teeth, get dressed and eat breakfast ready for the day. I pick up my big yellow backpack and grab the doorknob ready to walk out. "Izuku have you got everything?" I nod and wave about to walk out again, "I love you Izuku and i'm so proud! Do your best!" I nod and say "Be back later mom." I walk out and make my way to school for my first day. On the way there whilst on the bus I text Shoyo that I was on my way and he text back immediately saying 'Have fun dude!' I closed my phone and clenched my fist getting ready for the day. 

I get off the train and run the rest of the way to the school. "I made it!" I say and start walking towards the school with a map in hand. This place is massive. I'm looking for the class 1-A lets hope I can find it before I get in trouble.  After a while of exploring and walking I finally find the class and stand still. I really hope that there isn't anyone scary in here like that guy from the entrance exam! I walk in and straight away see the person I was talking about. Just my luck. He is talking to Kacchan saying how he shouldn't have his foot on the desk with him shouting back into his face. "I just think that you shouldn't be disrespecting the people who crafted the desk and also the students who sat there too." Kacchan looks at him with a scowl, "Oh? Where did you come from a fancy private middle school?!" He starts laughing and the other boy sighs. "I will repeat myself. My name is Tenya Iida from Aldera Junior High and I wish to be great friends with you all." Kacchan just laughs again and once again the other boy sighs. He notices me and walks over.

"Hello I am Tenya Iida from-" I cut him off knowing this already. "Yeah I heard you don't worry. Hi my name is Izuku Midoriya, glad to be your classmate." We shake hands and walk further into the classroom. "I saw you in the entrance exam." I open my eyes wide. "Well uh yeah I was the one who nearly interrupted Ururaka's meditation." He quickly bows down. "I am very sorry for judging you because you seem like a good guy and I wasn't trying to be mean but if I was I apologise!" I tap his shoulder and then wave my arms around shaking my head. "No no no don't worry iv'e always been judged like that before so I don't really mind at all." He stands up straight and nods. Just as we were about to talk about how we did in the exam a girl walked through the door. "This is class 1-A right?" I look at the door and see a beautiful girl standing in the doorway. "Ururaka!" I run to her and wave to her. "Deku!"

We high five and I ask her how she is. We don't talk for long since we hear a monotonic voice from behind us. "If you're here to make friends get out." WHOS THIS?!

Shoyo POV:

Ughhh I am soooo tired at least when we beat these new first years asses we can get up at reasonable times. "Hey idiot! Try and dig this." Kageyama says whilst launching a ball in the air towards me and I try my best to dig it up, yet like all the time it just goes flying away. "Dude stop just try going lower and put more effort into your arms or something." I grit my teeth and shake my head. "I'm trying my best you know." I say. "Well clearly not enough" Kageyama says. Sometimes I hate this guy. Then I hear Tanaka whisper underneath his breath. "Shoot missed the coin." I look at him and tell him "You aren't even helping at the moment." I cross my arms and look away. He simply nods to engaged in his game. I grit my teeth but try and get back to focusing on practising. "Send me another Kageyama!" He nods and tells me to get ready. Just as he throws up the ball the door creeks and slowly opens. OH NO. Just as we were all about to panic badly we saw that it wasn't Daichi and it was actually Sugawara. "Oh hey Suga you scared me for a minute. But how did you know we were here?" He shakes his head and chuckles a bit. "There is no way you'd ever take the key for the gym since your always the one who shows up at the last minute for practise. Don't worry I wont tell Daichi and actually I came here to help on Hinata's terrible recieves." I look down and nod. "Ok well I guess whilst you guys do that me and Tanaka can work on some combos or something. Is that ok?" Tanaka nods and walks over to Kageyama. 

The practising feels like it goes on forever and we only get two hours and some time after school but thats it. "Kageyama are you sure we are gonna win against these guys I mean aren't you getting nervous?" He looks at me with that same death stare he had before. "No why would I be nervous cause we are going to win." Just as he said that he threw the ball and I tried to dig it but it went flying into a tree. We both tried to reach it Kageyama with a stick and me climbing the tree. "That was your fault because your digs are extremely bad." I pout and keep reaching. An arm. It just picked up the ball and gave it to Kageyama. "What?" I question then follow the arm back to the body. It was a massive guy with glasses and blonde hair. "Oh hello there your majesty! Didn't realise you were here." The boy says whilst chuckling. I look to Kageyama assuming that he was the 'majesty'. He was clenching his fist and gritting his teeth. "Don't call me that." The boy stops chuckling and looks back to him, "What isn't that you? I have to be formal in front of the king otherwise I could be killed." He started laughing again. "Oh sorry I didn't mean to be so informal. My name is Kei Tsukishima a first year like you. The one you'll be facing in that 3v3."

Did he just say that we are up against him?! Someone who is that tall?! "I don't really care if we win or lose because either way we will get into the volleyball club." Tsukishima says. "Sorry did you say we?" Kageyama asks and as soon as he says that a boy is standing next to him. He smiles "Yep me too. My name is Tadashi Yamaguchi and me and Tsukki are going to thrash you. I mean he is 6'2." Tsukishima looks at him "You shouldn't be bragging about my height really." To which he replies to with "Sorry Tsukki." He looks back at Kageyama "Anyway we will leave you to your practise, your majesty." He says and walks away. Wow what a jerk if Kageyama doesn't like being called that then he should've stopped. "Hey Kageyama just ignore him that guy is a jerk." He nods and then grasps the ball in his hand. "I can't stand guys like him at all." We practised and practised until it was time to play the game. I was nervous and excited getting ready for the 3v3. I was stretching and got up. "You guys ready?" Tanaka asks. "Yeah!" We both say at the same time. 

Sugawara POV: (for a friend)

I hope Hinata and Kageyama will be ok because it will be a really bad loss if Kageyama doesn't get to be a setter. Even though I will be kind of jealous of him if he does win but I know that it will be better for the team. I smile knowing that Karasuno will become a powerhouse school again if we can get everyone to join again. Our ace and our libero... lets just hope that they do join back. The game starts and I grab a seat since I'm not on the court. This is gonna be very interesting and I do hope that Kageyama and Hinata win.

Back to Hinata POV:

This is it I have to do my best for Kageyama's sake. I get into a ready position and we start. The first few points were given to them because most of them were just fails at serves or Tanaka misses the spike but not just that Daichi is an amazing receiver which surprised me I have to say. We played the game and we were losing by quite a lot of points yet Kageyama still seemed like we would win at any second. Right looks like we will have to try even harder if we wanna win. I walk over to Kageyama and say "Give the next one to me please I promise I wont mess up." He starts thinking for a while and nods.  Just I walk to the back and serve the ball not knowing if it would get over or not luckily it did yet they still recieved it and Yamaguchi served it over. This time was different though. I received the ball! It began flying through the air feeling that it was in slow motion I ran over to the one side of the net for some reason remembering what Kageyama said earlier. 'Tanaka could probably spike the ball over the net whilst closing his eyes so there is no way i'm gonna send it to you' I jump up as high as I can and I feel the wind gusting over to me and I spike it onto the other side scoring a point. "WOO I DID IT KAGEYAMA!!" Daichi looks up from where the ball was "Guys Hinata just hit that ball whilst closing his eyes..."  Everyone looked completely shocked and I told them why I closed my eyes which Kageyama replied telling me that he was provoking me and didn't mean it. "Can we get on with the game now please?!" I say not interested in the slightest of what they are talking about. 

We carried on playing and were close to the end of the game and we were losing by 9 points so it wasn't looking good for us at all. Damn damn damn how are we gonna win? I start to panic and I run out of breath quickly worrying about Kageyama who also seemed to be shaking. This is ba- I look over to a creaking door. "Hey is this the volleyball club?" Izuku?!

Thanks for reading this latest chapter! There isn't much else I can see is there lmao. Well I hope you look forward to the next one!

1891 words!!!

No one knew!Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora