Chapter 11 Just before the date...

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Hey guys welcome back and get ready cause I can't wait to do this chapter tbh. I'm sorry for anyone who was looking for more volleyball I promise you that soon your thirst will be quenched. Anyway enjoyyyyy!

Hinata POV:

After the date was set and where we were going all I had to do was get through the day and let me tell you sleeping through lessons helps you catch up on sleep and ignore the teacher when they're talking boring stuff. Anyway when I got home I pulled out my phone and realised that I didn't have Yachi's phone number at all. Uh oh that's not good. Well whatever I'm sure it's fine. I sit down on my bed and lie down setting the volleyball up to myself a few times. I start singing a song in my head and enjoying myself until. WAIT IS TOMORROW GONNA BE A DATE?! The ball falls down after I've thrown it hitting me in the face. No no it's not a date cause Izuku is coming with that girl he brought what was her name again.. Urarako? No it was Uraraka. But couldn't they also mean that it's a.... double date?

I grab my phone and go onto my messages to message Izuku. I type "WHELFUWNEUS DAEKRUYTE?!!!!" And he replies with "Huh?" After that I calm down and retype my message in English "Is tomorrow a d-d-double d-date?" I was only gonna say it yesterday as a joke but now I'm having second thoughts..." When this is sent I don't receive a reply for a few minutes. Oh no I forgot Izuku is really really bad with anything to do with girls. I hope he's ok... My phone vibrates and I pick it up. "I DONT KNOW BUT I CANT ASK URARAKA CAUSE I DONT HAVE HER NUMBER BUT DO YOU HAVE YACHIS?!" All I reply is "😐" and we both start panicking spamming the letters not knowing what to do. "Wait wait let's calm down Shoyo. I live in the dorms with the U.A students I'll just ask Uraraka her number at her dorm." I feel relieved and take a deep breath "Ok good I was absolutely terrified. Ok text you in a bit." And he says "Yeah see ya" and we part ways.

After I left from my messages to Izuku I did some of my homework and left the rest of it. After I did that I went outside to pracitce volleyball with Natsu sitting on the step on our front door. Whenever I spiked the wall over the net and hit the wall at the end of the other side she would cheer for me and clap. Natsu was 5 years old so her quirk was going to develop soon so she was really excited about that and so was I. Since I inherited a mix of my dad and moms quirk to make leap. My mom has the quirk springlike and my dad has the quirk higher, both quirks are to do with jumping however my dads is much better but lucky for me I got a mix. My moms springlike quirk isn't like springlike limbs her quirk let's you jump a tiny but higher than I normal person. I can wait to see what Natsu's is.

After volleyball training she got tired so I had to carry her inside and put her to bed since our mom was out. I decided now would be a good time to check in with the doctors since Natsu had her quirk checkup a couple days ago. I type the number into the house phone and a lady picks up "Hello this is the quirk registry checkup or QRC how can we help?" She says. "Hi I'm Shoyo Hinata, (blank) Hinata's son, and I was told to phone you guys to see about my sister's, Natsu Hinata's, quirk registry." I tell them. "Ok let me put you on the line to her doctor." I thank them and wait for a while with waiting music playing in my ear. I pick up a photo of our family and smile slightly until someone starts to speak. "Hello?" A deep voice says. "Ah hello doctor I'm calling to check in on how Natsu Hinata's quirk registry is coming along." He sounds like he's moving the phone to one shoulder to another. "Ah yes Natsu Hinata correct? Well I would've liked to tell you this when I met you but now should be fine. If that's what you want?" The deep voice says with a bit of a chuckle in his voice but I don't pick up on it. "Yeah that's fine with me" I look back at the photo in my hands. I wonder what kind of quirk she has. I'm so excited!! "Your sister..." the man drags it on a bit but that just gets me more pumped up and I can feel my heart start beating faster. "She..." I clench the photo. "She's..quirkless. I'm sorry." The photo falls from my hands to the floor.

The doctor continues to speak. "This only happens to roughly around 20 percent of people and it seems she is apart of that 20 percent. There is nothing that we can do to help about this so we sincerely apologise. Now I must go because someone else is calling. Goodbye Sh-o-yo." He spaces out my letters at the end and hangs up. I stand there for a while and slowly put the phone back on it's holder. Tears drop to the floor as I pick up the photo that now has a crack in it placing it back on the cabinet it stood on. I walked to my room but was stopped by something grabbing me at my waist. "Big brother Shoyo! Who was on the phone?" She smiles sweetly up at me. I crouch down to her level wiping my tears on the way down. I smile a pretend smile at her the best pretend smile I could. "Did you want a quirk Natsu?" She looks a bit confused but answers nonetheless. "Well... I think quirks are really cool but it's not like I need one to be as cool as you big brother! And big brother Izu as well he's really cool but still grew up without a quirk right? So either way I think I'll be cool anyway. Is there a problem?" She asks looking a little more troubled at me. "No t-there's nothing wrong!" I say with tears falling out of my eyes without me realising. She hugs me tightly. "Noooo no cry Big brother Shoyo pleeeease. What's the matter because no matter how bad it is you can tell me." She points to herself and pats my head smiling. "Let's wait till mom gets home and I'll tell you then ok. So that might be tomorrow and who knows I might even bring home a friend for you to meet. She brightens up so much. "Yay another friend! I can't wait! I love you big brother. I'm going to sleep now so night night!" She tells me running off to her room while I wave at her with a small smile. I go to my room and lie down on my bed. "Bzzt." My phone vibrates and I pick it up. "She said she doesn't know." I sigh and put my phone down again. I need to go to sleep everything is so chaotic.

As I wake up I jump out of bed. "Ok forget about everything else for a while! Let's get today done and dusted. I run around my room and get all the clothes to wear. A black hoodie and black shorts with a white t-shirt and to top it off my favourite white and red shoes with white socks. I go downstairs to the kitchen and grab a breakfast bar chomping on it as I begin to tie my laces. Natsu then walks into the room "Hey Natsu!" I say with a big grin and a breakfast bar I'm hand. "Good luck with your date big brother Shoyo!" She gives me a thumbs up. I blush a little "Natsu! It's not a date!...I think." She chuckles a little and walks away still giving me the thumbs up until I can't see her in the other room. I look down at my watch and check the time 1:00 Crap I'm gonna be late! I finish the rest of my bar and throw it in the bin. I can't believe I slept in!! I run out the house and to my where my bike was stationed and ride as fast as I can towards the station.

Ya yeet my feet into a resting position we've done a sad yet interesting chapter. I hope you understand I have nothing against Natsu at all and I think she is very adorable however we needed to do this for plot. Hate me if you want to because I know a lot of you like Natsu. Anyway if you don't hate me carry on reading! I'm sure that you'll enjoy and yeah see ya next week!

1534 words!

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