Chapter 13 Shoyo's date

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Welcome to the new chapter. Nothing really much else I can say except enjoy!

Shoyo POV:

After I hung up on Izuku I looked at Yachi and told her what was going to happen. "Ah ok that should be fine.." she said looking off to the side slightly. Since I'm the kind of guy to blatantly say whatever comes to my mind I ask her "Yachi you ok you seem to be thinking about something pretty deep. I can help out if you want me to!" I put on a big grin and pulled a thumbs up to comfort her whilst she was in deep thoughts. "Oh yeah I'm fine thanks Hinata. I was just thinking about something that's not too important, but anyway we should get going." I nod and lead her to a nearby bowling alley because this was what the plan was gonna be if everyone was here so I decided to do it anyway. She just followed me with a small smile knowing that if she said anything I would instantly jump up and down on the spot.

Walking for a while we finally reached our destination and I booked a booth for both of us and luckily not many other people were there so we got one pretty quickly. I put both our names down and we sat down in the booth. Since I was first I got a small ball and lifted it up with my non-existent muscles, then I walked over to the lane and aimed it perfectly in the middle of the pins. I got ready and rolled the ball down the lane trying to control where it went with my mind. Sadly my mind trick did not work and I knocked down two pins. "Gah! That usually works!" I went back to the balls and got the next one rolling it down the lane trying to get a spare but nope and it went straight out of bounds. I stumbled back to my seat with an unhappy look on my face and mumbled under my breath "Good luck Yachi." She stood up and got the same one I did but instead of walking straight over with the ball in her hands she picked the ball up and head-butt it maybe for luck or something however I wasn't really paying attention. She rolled the ball down the lane and I looked up for a second to see all the pins knocked over and a pleasant look on Yachi's face. Usually I'd stand up and shout saying stuff like "HOW THE HELL-!" or "THATS NOT FAIR" but this time I just stared at her face with a cute smile on her face and her eyes closed.

"See that Hinata!? I can't believe I got all of them!" She exclaimed to me but all I answered was "Uh-huh." I was too frozen in place by the angel I just witnessed jumping with joy a second ago. My face flushed a small pink and my ginger stood still and silent like it was waiting for something to happen. "Hinata~?" She said waving her hand in front of my face to get my attention back to her. "Ah yeah that was really cool Yachi but I'm gonna get a strike this time too! Just watch me!" She put her fist up towards the sky and wished me luck. Ok I've got this I have to impress Yachi and win this otherwise I could never call myself a man. LETS DO THIS!


"I can't believe I didn't get a single strike or spare at all during the whole time." I say sadly whilst pouting and crossing my arms. I feel a pat on my shoulder and look back to see Yachi with a warming smile, her blonde hair slightly covering one eye and her eyes with a certain calmness to them. "It's ok Hinata you did your best and that's all anyone can ever do." I begin to tear up and my nose starts to trickle "Yachiiiiiii!" I begin to burst into tears and hug her tightly, ignoring the surroundings and she just stood there patting my back as if I was a child who just made up with their parent. After calming down my eyes were red and so was my nose but I didn't care because I was happy that Yachi cared about me. "Ooo ooo Yachi we should go to the arcade because that's something I can beat you at I'm pretty sure. How about it?" She nodded and I ran over to the games and sat down in the sport selector game. "Hurry it up Yachi so we can play volleyball on the game."

I put a coin in and select volleyball whilst Yachi comes over and sits down in the weird small house thingy (if you know you know like the zombie games.) I select the smallest character you can play as and Yachi watched me play and beat the opposite team with combos and other stuff. After my turn was finished I ended with 73 points and gave a coin to Yachi for her go. As I suspected she didn't do the best even using the best character in that game who was the complete opposite of the smallest character. "Well looks like games are my strong suit but don't worry now that means we are equal. We should probably grab a bite before we go back to the station to meet Izuku so I know a nearby place that sells really good crepes-" I get interrupted by a drooling Yachi "Take me there now." I get scared by the girl now latching onto my arm with a look that would kill me if I didn't take her to the food stall I was talking about. "S-sure let's go then!" I declare nervously with a big grin on my face that was shaking nearly faltering from its position I was giving to it.

Walking over to the stall we were gradually getting faster and I could feel the hunger leaking out of her whole body and it was screaming "CREPES." As we were walking I was giving directions to the girl in front of me so she wouldn't accidentally go the wrong way and then kill me. I could see the stall in front of me and again being really lucky (or could it just be plot...we will never know) there was no one buying anything at that point in time. Just as I thought she was going to slow down she grabbed my hand and rushed over to the stall. I've never seen Yachi so energised before and this being the first time its giving me quite a shock. When we reached the desk she ordered to crepes with strawberries cream and chocolate with came to a total of ¥2,000 (£15 or $19 if your from the US.) I looked in my wallet to see about ¥2,500 left so we were really lucky however my expenses were not so lucky and I shakily passed over the money leaving me with ¥500 and a coffee coupon that was way past it's expiration date.

Yachi begins to dig in and her face enlightens with cream covering her face however I on the other hand was slowly eating it thinking about the money more than the taste. Yachi tapped me on the shoulder and I looked over to her "Thanks Hinata you really are the best!" She said with the same smile she had earlier and I became once again flustered. "I-it's no big deal really.." I say covering my mouth and everting my eyes away from her. Why is she so goddamn cute?! She took another bite and again her face became enlightened with joy whilst I sat there with a flushed face.

I finished my crepe and was about to stand up to put the rubbish in the bin put for some reason I couldn't get up and it was like some invisible force was not letting me stand up- No it was just Yachi on my shoulder and my good will, even though I didn't notice, stopped me from standing up. I couldn't decide whether to wake her up or not because she looked so resting and peaceful so I sat there with a poker face waiting for her to wake up or something similar. I pull out my phone with my left hand and really badly type Izuku a message saying that we might be a bit late to the meet up and he just replies 'k' and leaves. What a nice guy. I look back at Yachi who's resting on my shoulder and softly smile. I'm definitely falling in love with her.

I would say thanks for reading but I changed my mind and instead... thanks for enjoying the whole book! I'm glad people find interest in my literature because it's fun to write for people who enjoy reading it. Anyway enough of the cheesy stuff I'll see you next week (maybe XD)

1514 Words!

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