Chapter 15 Here we go again! Part 1

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Welcome back to another minecraft video. Ha got you there get you thought we were playing minecraft well we aren't. Anyway yeah hi and let's just get started shall we.

Shoyo POV:

The announcing speaker comes on and the person on the mic says "Volleyball club the team you'll be up against are coming in 5 minutes please prepare your self thank you." The mic cuts off and I start to get nervous, This is gonna be my first time going against another school except when I first joined that tournament with Kageyama. I'm really getting mervous now! I look down to my hand which is shaking profusely and I can't seem to stop it which in turn getting me even more nervous for the match we're about to play. Izuku notices that I don't seem very calm and walks over to me slapping me on the back and looks at me with a small smile. "Let's do this Shoyo!" I nod and suddenly my shakes stop but I'm still pretty nervous however this time more excited.

We all walk over to our side of the net and begin to stretch and limber up. "So are thou guys ready? We will have to thank Mr Takeda for organising this for us since it's pretty much impossible because of our reputation to other schools" My teeth grit together and I use my quirk to jump into the air, "Let's win this guys so that we can prove we won't always be "The flightless crows." Who's with me?!" Everyone cheers and we hear the doors open revealing Kurabusheru high walking in. "Now remember guys," we all look back to Daichi "We don't have our ace so don't be too sad if we do lose. Even so let's do our best!" Everyone nods and we walk over to greet their team. I notice something though, there is someone about the same height as me so I run over to where he is leaving Izuku and Kageyama in the dust.

"Hey hey! My names Shoyo Hinata 5'4 and can jump really high. What's your name?" I say to him giving the biggest grin of my life towards him. "Oh um hi I'm Hirose Osamu 5'4 and I'm a libero it's nice to meet you." He says giving a small smile back at me shaking my hand. "Let's do our best today Osamu!" He nods towards me and we walk separate ways. In the corner of my eye Daichi seems to be talking to the captain of the other team however I can only pick up his name which was Doi Eiji. We all line up on our separate sides and now to each other but we shout thanks for coming and we pass them the ball we will be playing with for them to serve first. I just noticed but Osamu seemed to have a wristband on his arm which read something like "Gonna get the ball" but I can't be entirely sure. His whole appearance screamed strange to me. He had brown hair which was cut in order so the half of it was on one eye and there was practically none of the other, he also had very squinty eyes making him seem barely awake, the last detail I noticed was that he always had his hands in his pockets as though he was keeping them safe from something.

Their team lineup seemed similar to ours with Osamu being in the middle two taller people on the sides the other kid called Eiji behind Osamu and slightly smaller people on his side. It was a strange coincidence but we continued as we were with Eiji serving first. Here we go this is the very beginning of my legacy as the "Tiny Giant." He serves the ball over the net landing on Daichi's dig sending the ball up to where Izuku was. I put my hand out and shout towards him "To me!" I run back and forth confusing their team and jump towards the very right of the net, closing my eyes before I'd even jumped, waiting for the ball to land in my hand. The ball flies over to me and I smack it as hard as I can landing it in their court and they all watch me fall to the ground with my eyes still closed. When I open them I see all of them looking at me and I tilt my head confused on what they were looking at. "Are you guys ok?" I ask and they all snap out of it getting back into focus. Daichi walks to the back and serves over, no one goes for the ball and we are all confused until we realise its gonna be a straight set and spike without a receive. Tanaka gets ready to block thinking that it'll be going to the left but they trick him and it goes to the right however Izuku is ready and goes to block the ball which just so happens to be a setter dump not a spike at all and I look around not knowing what to do but reach my hand out anyway making the ball fly up high for Kageyama in the back and he sets over to Tanaka who screams and spikes the ball over cheering as it lands in the other side.

We continue to play well during the whole set but I realise that slowly they're catching up to us with us at 18 and them on 16. It seems they've been trying to tire us out but I could play for another week before I'd be out of energy so I'm ready for whatever comes. I'm now in the middle back with the other three who were in the back now in the front. I'm not a good receiver so I leave that to Izuku and Tanaka but sometimes I have to give a really sloppy receive for them. They have to serve and I jump forward receiving the ball really terribly and Kageyama has to run towards the ball setting to Tsukishima who spikes the ball really high so it goes over the blockers but Osamu receives it and sends it to their setter, who I've found out the name of which is Ando Takahiro, who hastily sends the ball to their ace player, Hori Ryuu, spiking the ball over the net and into the space we left open by accident. We had just realised this but they're much better opponents then we expected.

Osamu POV:

Ok just keep at it, this is the way to do things because slowly and steady wins the race. My eyes look over to Takahiro and walk to him. "Let's do the thing. Ok?" He nods and tells Ryuu what we're going to do because I believe this should work. I watch Takahiro go to the back and he does his jump serve flying the ball over into their side of the court. However it doesn't land as their captain receives the ball and sends it to the green haired kid who then sets it to Hinata who's ready to jump and spike the ball. My eyes are locked on the ball and I wait for the perfect moment to do my thing. The ball is spiked and comes onto our side of the court and everyone just watched it speed past us because it's too fast but my eyes were ready and I jump to the side receiving the ball to Takahiro trying to keep the momentum of the ball. Takahiro is ready and doesn't wait for the ball to get to his hands, instead he jumps up and sets the ball over to Ryuu spiking it to their side with the same speed they had given us. We get the point and everyone cheers but me. That was Kurabusheru high's famous same speed set.

We begin to gather more points then them with our technique that is not at all surprisingly hard to pull off since it all relies on the libero's receiving of the ball and if the setter and spiker are ready to be in action. However I would never look down on Karasuno as their quick team duo is super hard to get past and sometimes I can barely tell where the ball will land, this was getting really exciting. Currently we are still on the first set of points and are on 23-22 to us and we are hoping to get the first set. Since we got the last point it was Ryuu's turn to serve and the ball goes up over the net really high but it's out and the point goes to Karasuno "AHHHH SORRY GUYS THATS MY BAD AHHHHHH!! Don't worry though I've got the next one!" I sigh and look away from him.

They serve and I run to where the ball will land doing an overhand serve to Takahiro who then sets to Eiji who spikes the ball but Karasuno is ready and receives it sending their set to the kid with the shaved head. I realised that all his spikes have been super vigorous and instead of blocking we receive his spikes and so we do. The ball goes up and Takahiro doesn't set but goes for a setter dump which lands in their court meaning it's match point. All of them look serious now but I won't let that stop me... it's my turn to swap well I guess that's fine let's see what happens.

Izuku POV:

I don't wanna lose this set but I think it might be better for us if we do so we can make the comeback In the next two sets however Hinata will shout at me if I just leave the ball so I guess I'll humour him. I walk to the back and do my jumping serve hoping the ball lands in the top right of their court. One of them shouts out but it wasn't and we get the point making it a deuce. "Nice serve Midoriya!" Daichi says to me with a smile and I smile back genuinely happy that someone said that to me. Let's get another one! I send the ball into their court but this time they receive it and set the ball to the kid who has the same energy as Tanaka. I jump up and block the ball sending it back into their court but they receive it and the ball goes over the net meaning it was a chance ball. "Chance ball" Daichi says whilst making space around him. He receives it gently and the ball goes to Kageyama, he looks to me and I nod.
I run to the side of the net that was free and jump up and spike the ball up off of the blockers hands so that when I lands it counts as our point. They all rush for the ball but it lands in their side and we win the first half.

Guess this is part one and part two is next week. Also sorry about the slightly delayed publishing but I just had to finish it off is all. See you next week everyone!

1874 words!

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