Chapter 4 The exam

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Hi guys welcome to the newest chapter and I hope you enjoy. You guys like the Hinata? Lmao. Sorry for the extremely late publish aswell I was soooooo busy this past week.

Izuku POV:

I can't believe I just talked to a girl for one of the first times in my life!! I look up towards the massive building standing in front of me. Its time to join the greatest school. I put one foot forward my eyes locked on in front of me with determination and passion. I was nervous but I was ready for anything that was to come my way. I clenched my fists and started heading into the building.

I sit next to my childhood bully Katsuki Bakugo but now we are good friends thanks to Hinata anyway I'm not sure what I'd do without him. My eyes wondered around the massive room seeing so many people all with different types of quirks. This is so cool I can't believe I am actually here in the flesh. Just then the lights turned off and the spotlights all turned to the stage. "What is going on my young listeners! Its my Present Mic here to talk you through this entrance exam! ARE YOU READY!?" Silence. "Alright..." My hands go straight up to my face and my eyes widen. "Oh my god its the voice hero Present Mic I listen to his radio show everyday! So cool!" Present Mic then goes on to tell us the rules and what we do. He says that there are three types of faux villains and goes onto telling us about them.

"Excuse me sir." Everyone looks to a boy with straightened dark blue hair and glasses standing up with his finger pointed at the paper. "but there seems to be four types of villains on the handout. A mistake like this is very unforgiving for the top school in Japan." He then points his whole hand "I would like to add on that, you with the green unkempt hair, have been muttering this whole time. Its distracting." I say an apology whilst looking downwards in shame. "Ok number 7111 thanks for your request! The fourth villain is more of an obstacle then an actual target I would avoid it at all possible times if I could!" The boy bows "Thank you and sorry for my disturbance." He sits down. "Ok then I'll leave you with our school motto!" I smile enthusiastically knowing what it is. "As Napoleon Bonaparte once laid down 'A true hero is one that overcomes life's misfortunes.' Are you guys ready to go beyond?" I know this part. "Plus ultra!" I nod again enthusiastically. "Thanks for listening everyone, break a leg!"

I start walking to the part where I'd be taking the exam. And talk to Kacchan along the way. "So what do you think you will do if you don't get in?" He looks at me with determination in his eyes. "I'm gonna crush these losers there is no way I'm losing this exam!" I nod "Right." We fist bump and wish each other good luck. Then he starts to walk away and I start to get extremely nervous and sweaty thinking about what would happen. I walk up to the gate and lumber up stretching my body and limbs. Then I notice someone out of the corner of my eye. It's that girl from earlier I should say thank you to her for what she did for me. I start making my way over to her until someone grasps my shoulder firmly. "We're you going to interrupt that girl whilst it seems like she's meditating. Trying to catch a lead are you? That's unforgivable!" He looks down at me with his head to the side like a confused dog. I look down and feel everyone's gaze at me.

"AND START!" Everyone looks at Present Mic. "WHAT THERE ARE NO COUNTDOWNS IN A REAL FIGHT NOW GO GO GO GET A MOVE ON!" Everyone starts rushing into the battlefield looking for robots to destroy. One for all full cowling!" I manage to jump over everyone else and get into the battlefield first. Ah a robot ok just like you've practiced. Shoot style St. Louis smash! The robot bursts into pieces and I carry on looking for robots. About five minutes pass and I have around 35 points which is good but not as good as some people. I look around and see loads of people destroying the robots not looking where I was going and shoot a one pointer. I trip over and can't get up in time to react, expecting a massive force to hit me into the ground. "Merci for the assist but I doubt we'll be seeing each other again anytime soon." What does he mean won't be seeing each other does he not think I can do it either?! My eyes start to water and I can't help but think of failure then. "Boom!" Was that one of Kacchan's explosions? No that was way to loud. "BOOM!" Ok that is definitely a lot closer. I look up to see a massive robot looking down on me. A..a zero pointer. It's ginormous! I've gotta run away there's no way I'm fighting that thi- "Help! Can someone help me my legs stuck under this piece of rubble!" I stopped dead in my tracks and everyone ran past me in what felt like slow motion.

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