Mascara tear tracks

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(This is a few weeks after they're moved in)
Lauren's P.O.V
I walked back into the house that we had been living in for a few weeks. Every one but Camila and Dinah's were out with me. They all filed in the doorway behind me. A shrill scream echoed throughout the house. The noise was followed with Dinah shouting "Camila get out". So Camila screamed. Camila argued "I told you I'd just be a minute now get out of the shower. I'll only be like two more minutes".

I heard stomping feet and then a door slammed. Soon after once we had are shoes off the running shower water shut off. A sliding door whooshed open and more footsteps followed. We brought the groceries into the kitchen and started to put them away. Dinah came downstairs and sat on the couch, putting her earbuds in. Nobody made a move to see what the two were arguing about.

I finished putting away the bag when Camila came downstairs. Her hair was in a dripping wet, slicked back ponytail. Her bow was absent. A foot towel was draped over her shoulders keeping her purple hoodie dry. The hoodie matched the rest of her outfit, sweatpants and ankle socks. She walked into the kitchen guilt radiating from her presence.

She said quietly keeping her head down as if her feet became the most interesting thing in the world "Dinah's mad at me". I had to bite my tongue to keep from saying "ya Camz I think we knew that much" but I didn't need to add my imput because Dinah shouted clearly listening to are conversation "your dang right I am". Demi seemed to be having the same issues as me. Ally being mature said "what did you do Camila".

Camila looked down like a child would do when there parents caught them doing something they knew they weren't allowed to. In Camila's case the metaphor wasn't really one because Camila was technically a child and Ally was kind of like are mom so I can see how her action were justified.

Camila didn't answer Ally's question so Ally asked it again "Camila I asked you, what did you do to make Dinah mad". Camila said sheepishly "I was taking longer than I was supposed to and Dinah sort of came into the shower. With, me". Her blush grew as each word passed.

I went down the path of giggles earning both of me a stone cold glare from Ally and a smirk from Normani, reassuring us that if Ally wasn't going to murder her she would of been laughing right along with us.

Camila's eyes turned glossy and her blush was a burning red. She turned around retreating to her room. Donuts. Ally's going to kill us. My thought were turned to reality when Ally looked at us, steaming mad. Ally isn't one to get mad but when she does your in a lot of trouble. Demi and I had some sense left in us because we shut are traps and rushed to the couch awaiting the looming lecture from Ally.

Dinah tried to leave but Ally stopped and forced her to sit back down. Dinah turned off her music and tucked away the headphones. Normani got of lucky and wasn't stopped when she went upstairs. She was probably going to check on Camila. Ally wasn't satisfied with a POSSIBILTY. Ally said to Demi "Demi can you check on Camila. Just make sure that she isn't too upset and can you tell her that I'll be up in a few". Demi nodded and proceeded upstairs.

Here it comes. What I was excepting never came. Ally never shouted. She simply said "I hope you feel bad". She was right I felt terrible. Camila running away replayed in my mind. I could just see her. Sitting in her bed crying. She was genuinely upset and I laughed at her. She's been getting so much hate lately, more than the rest of us especially now that she and Austin were no more. Everything has been taking such a huge toll on her self confidence.

I was so blind, she was upset not only from getting Dinah mad but also about someone seeing her naked, even if the someone was practically her sister.Ally stayed quiet, letting me think everything over. Ally could see the realization on my face as I figured it out. Camila was probably talking to Ally about her confidence. I messed up so bad.

Normani came downstairs pale. She said "Ally you need to come upstairs. Camila has locked herself in the bathroom. She isn't letting anyone in. She crying. Please come get her out". Normani was in a shock so she wasn't panicking. Ally jumped into action. She went over to the chest of drawers. She pulled a drawer open and rifled through a box before she produced a key.

She ran upstairs, all of us behind her. She went up to the bathroom door. Her tone changed into a motherly one as she said "Camila, honey can you open the door for me. We're all worried about you, can you come out". When we didn't hear anything in the other side Ally's voice transformed again but into a stricter one when she said "Camila open the door or else I will myself. This I your last chance, come out". Again there was no response.

Demi was in hysterics now, she was scared of what Camila could be doing behind the solid barrier. Ally stuck the lock into the keyhole, jiggling it until it clicked. She twisted the handle and swung the door open with so much force it could of snapped of it's measly hinges. The sight that I saw when I looked at Camila wasn't what I expected. She was propped against the tub. Tear streak marked there way across her face. Mascara making the track all the more permanent. Her face wasn't what was worrying me. It was...

6 girls one roof (Demi Lovato, Fifth Harmony)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora