Hangovers and repercussions

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Camila's P.O.V
I woke up with a pounding headache. I opened my eyes slowly but covered them when the piercing light attacked me. I peeled my hands away from my face, accepting the fact that my head had small men with power drills and sledgehammers working on a construction zone that is known as my head. I saw Demi on her phone in her bed. I said "Demi" regretting it instantly. My heads little men multiplied. She said "take two Advil".

My stomach flipped and lurched. I got up and ran to the bathroom. My throat burned and my head throbbed. I sunk to the cool floor and Demi walked in. She saw me and she put my hair into a bun. Puke hair is so not cool (is anyone else getting these jokes because there's two in here already). She rubbed my back gently until I puked into the toilet again. There was nothing left for me to throw up but bile was still making an appearance.

Demi left for a second and then reappeared with a glass of water and two Advil. I took the items from her hand. I took a sip of water then put the pill in my mouth. I tipped my head back then swallowed. I felt the lump move through my chest before I repeated the action. I drank the rest of the water before I brushed my teeth.

Demi said "Ally wants to talk to all of you after Lauren wakes up". Wait why isn't Lauren awake? Did something happen to her? I finally sputtered out "is Lauren alright". Demi said "ya she'll be fine. You and her both passed out at the party last night". I didn't relax with the newfound information. I said "is Ally mad". Demi shrugged. I didn't feel like spilling my guts anymore so I stood up. My balance wavered and I grabbed onto the counter. Demi stood up and helped me walk back to our bedroom.

When we got to our room Lauren was laying down with a pillow shielding her eyes. The glass of water that belonged to her was gone so I deduced that she was awake. She rolled over and then sat up. She said groggily "how mad is Ally". Demi burst out laughing. Once Demi regained her composure she said "you wake up from being passed out which was caused by alcohol and you ask if Ally's mad". Lauren nodded. Demi said "she's not to bad but she might just be saving everything for you four lucky girls". I groaned. We are going to be in so much trouble. Demi said "why don't you go downstairs and get it over with". We listened to her and went downstairs.

I thought only Lauren and I got drunk. If Ally's going to be mad at four of us and Demi's fine than that means that Mani and DJ got drunk to. Well at least we don't have to go in alone. I laid on the couch and Lauren sat in a chair. I closed my eyes and tried to ignore the world. My plan failed when I heard feet clanging then the smell of coffee hit me. I opened my eyes and Ally was standing over me with strong cup of black coffee. I said "but I don't drink coffee Ally". She responded "well your going to today because your hungover and you aren't touching another drink until your legal".

I took the steaming cup of caffeine and took a sip of it. I swallowed and felt the drink start to takeover. I took another sip as Normani walked in. She went onto the kitchen and didn't return until she had the same drink as I did settled in my hands. She sat down just as Dinah came in. She seemed to be expecting Ally to want to start her rant right away.

Ally sat I front of us and started "you guys realize that when we give you rules they are for your safety". We nodded together as if the movement was practiced. Ally continued "I think you guys know why you can't get drunk or even have alcohol especially at a party. There was drugs at the party guys. Who knows what could've happened if we didn't leave when we did. There was a guy holding you up Dinah, your lucky he was incredibly helpful because there was a lot of people at that party that wouldn't of been so kind. All of you are very lucky that man was there". We nodded.

Ally said "I want to talk to each of you and then your going to call your parents. After that's all done you guys are making a trio to see Simon". I nodded internally groaning. As bad as that sounded it could've been worse. I still am not looking foreword to the phone call or visit. Ally stood up and motion for Normani to go with her. We didn't dare move from the couch.

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