Maturity is boring

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Normani's P.O.V
Camila ran into the pool. We were all laughing at her when I came to the realization that she might need help to get out. I went to the pool and offered her my hand. She grabbed my wrist and before I had time to react she pulled me in. I splashed her once I came back up again. I swam to the side where Ally was and splashed her.

She screamed when the cool water hit her. She ran at the pool and dived in. She splashed us as she slid into the water. She came up to the surface and said "mature guys, real mature". Camila burst out laughing. What Ally had said wasn't all that humorous but Camila was having a riot. Her reaction was so funny we all laughed along with her.

When she regained her composure she looked at us like we had three heads and said "why are you guys laughing" completely serious. Demi tried to explain but all that came out was sputters and slurred words. Ally tried the task and said "you-a-uhh-fffff" finishing in a total riot of laughter.

Camila said looking at the laughing older girl "you alright there Ally-cat". Dinah, who was still recording through her hands shaking from laughter, shouted "this is going on Youtube". Demi shouted back "be carful Hansen I still haven't gotten you back from that pie". Dinah shouted "what has that got to do with anything".

Before Demi could defend herself she saw our neighbour looking at us. Camila shouted still on her after-laugh high "hello how are you" in a British accent. The neighbour said not shouting but loud enough for us to hear "I'm lovely how are you" in a British accent just as fake as Camila's.

Demi responded this time "we are just fine. I hope we aren't bothering you sir" copying the accent. The person said "excuse me I am not a man". Demi said under her breath "shoot". We all ran inside, are laughter returning. That's not the way to make nice with your neighbour.

(A few hours later)
Dinah finished uploading the video of our prank, cropping out the neighbour encounter. Camila said "I'm bored can we stalk someone online". What is this generation coming to, stalking people online for entertainment. I said "ya let's do it. Do you know any weird peoples full names". She said "yep, Dinah can you search Miranda Larcos on Facebook". Dinah did and she clicked on the first one.

A woman in a swimsuit with a design of meat and pineapples on it wading in a pool full of men covered in grey hair popped up as her cover photo. Well when Facebook gets you to set a cover photo it does say "be unique", that photo is incredibly unique. Camila started laughing and so did Dinah. Ally walked past and did a double take on the computer screen.

She said "girls, what have I told you over and over again". Camila said "wear clean underwear". Ally shook her head. Camila thought before saying "don't use Pledge to clean the floors". Ally said "nope". Camila bit the inside of her cheek like she always does when she's thinking really hard. She said "that hip isn't cool". Ally groaned and said "yes but no". Camila said "I give up". Ally looked amused. She said "the correct answer was 'think before you Google something' Camila".

Camila said "oh". Dinah came to her rescue and said "we aren't Googling anything. We're stalking people on Facebook. Totally different". Ally laughed and said "Dinah you do realize that that is not any better". Dinah nodded. Ally said "so who are you stalking". I said "Miranda Larcos". Ally said "okay" living with as a group we have learned just to go with things, even of they're a little peculiar.

Ally pulled up and said "search Sam Gibton DJ". She did and a man with a drinking funnel hanging out his mouth was the profile picture. I said what we were all thinking "Ally, what kind of people do you know". Ally shrugged and said "he's a kid from school". Dinah said "Ally I'm going to say it again, what kind of people do you know". Ally said "lots of different people". Camila said "I can see that Allyson".

Ally said "oh so now I'm Allyson, huh Karla". Camila stuck out her tongue. Ally decreasing her maturity level by many degrees, stuck out her tongue and did a mocking sound that kids make when they stick out there tongues. Dinah even though she was the youngest said "both of you, grow up and come be a stalker, this guys photos are great". They gave there attention to the mighty computer screen to see the photos of a random guy drinking at parties.

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