Jauregui parents

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Lauren's P.O.V
We were sitting in the living room silently waiting for Mani to come out. Nobody was talking or moving, it didn't even feel like anyone was breathing. I took a sip of coffee to keep my hangover at bay. At least ten minutes later Normani walked out with a fake brave face plastered on. Ally motioned for me to come.

When I didn't move she raised an eyebrow as if to say "Lauren you do realize your position". I got up and walked over to the shower girl. I followed her into an office. She had a computer on the desk. There was no phone in sight. Oh shoot! She's going to make me Skype them. Calling them is one thing but I don't want to see my parents face when they realize how bad I messed up.

I sat down in one of the chairs in front of the computer screen. Ally sat in the other chair and clicked on the link to call my parents. They were online so Ally must of texted them because they never go on here unless they know I'm calling. My moms face popped up. I said weakly "hey guys". My mom said "hi Lauren how are you". I said "I'm fine you". She said "I'm good". Ally gave me a look telling to cut to the chase.

I said "umm there's a reason I called you can call dad". "MIKE COME HERE LAUREN'S ON SKYPE". There was a rustling of papers before my dad appeared on the screen. He said "what' supposed Lo". I said "well that' sweat I wanted to talk to you guys about". My mom glared at me and said sternly "Lauren what did you do". I poked at Ally pleadingly, hoping for a lat minute out. She didn't give me one. Instead she said "tell them Lauren you got yourself into this mess".

I sucked in a great and said as fast as I could "IgotdrunkatapartyonNewYearswhenAllytoldme- notto". My dad said "try again Lauren, slower this time". I said on the verge of tears "I got drunk at a party. On New Years even though Ally told us not to".

My parents looked disappointed. An emotion I would rather see anger over. I hate it when my parents are dissoponted in me. I makes me mad when they are but it pushes me to be better. I don't know if I can fix this disappointment.

My dad said "Lauren I'm disappointed in you". There comes the bullet. "I thought you knew better than that. Ally even warned you. That was a bad decision on your part. It seems like everyone gave you the best possible circumstances but you still did what you knew was wrong. Your not a teenager at a friends house on New Years anymore Lauren. The things you do really effect people. You have four other girls who depend on YOUR image. Your a role model and the party seems like it was a big one. What if you got raped or kidnapped?".

Well now I feel even worse. I really didn't mean to get drunk. I drunk one beer. One. It wasn't even a strong one. I said because everyone was looking at me "I'm sorry. I know that I made a stupid mistake. That I knew better than to make. I'm sorry. I know that a lot of kids look up to me and that the image I put out was terrible but I didn't mean to get drunk. One beer led to another then I just lost track. I didn't mean to".

My mom said "Lauren Jauregui! You know better than to 'lose track'. Even if you didn't have thousands of kids looking up to you, you have Camila and Dinah. They adore you. They want to be like you. How do you think it makes under aged drinking look to them? What if they go and get drunk because of a stupid mistake you made? They didn't go to parties before this happened. They wouldn't of know what to do if someone offered them a beer. You need to think Lauren".

I was silently crying by then. I said quietly "they already did". My mom looked at me in disbelief. She said "I are to repay that Lauren". I said again louder this time "they already did. They got drunk. Mila passed out and Dinah was drunk. Mila was in the Basement. I didn't think they would drink.". My mom said the response almost all mothers say at least once in there lives "that is the point Lauren. You didn't think". The tears were falling freely. What if they got hurt? What if that man hadn't been there to help? The girls wouldn't of found Camila. They could of raped her or drugged her, if they didn't.

My mom said the one sentence I didn't want to hear "Lauren, maybe you should come home for a while"

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